
Service for announcing Resonite events and stream from multiple source like Discord and Google Agenda to client like Resonite Facet or Web Browsers.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Small API for getting the events in multiple discord servers and Google Agenda with easier parsing for Resonite.

This tool has been write in a way that different community can host their own server and can be connected to each other. There is a main instance available at resonite-community.events.


This is the new version 2.0, not tested in production yet, please see the git tag for the version 1.0.


Most of the configuration of this tool are available in the config.toml file and the following configuration keys are available:

  • DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN: The bot token, in a string format.
  • SERVERS_EVENT: A list of string URL of other events server to aggregate in the format of 'scheme://host:port'
  • SHOW_WEBUI: Enable or now the WebUI, depend if the tool will be used as an API only or no.
  • FACET_URL: The URL of the facet to be copied for Resonite

The different source of information are separated in modules. Each module have is own configuration per event.

Note: If the configuration is change you should clean the Redis database!


The source module for discord integrated schedule event system. For adding a guild to this source you need to use the key [[BOTS.DiscordScheduledEvents]] and add the following key:

  • community_name: str, the name of the community
  • community_description: str, the description of the community
  • community_url: str, the URL where to find this community, can be a discord invite link or a website
  • tags: list, the list of tags
  • guild_ids: int, the guild id


Not: Not yet available

It's possible to send all events in a cloud variable to be used by JackTheOtter calendar system.

  • CLOUDVAR_RESONITE_USER: str, the U- Resonite username used to set the cloud variable
  • CLOUDVAR_BASE_NAME: str, the Resnonite cloud variable base name
  • CLOUDVAR_GENERAL_NAME: str, the Resnonite cloud variable general name


community_name = "The Vulpine Garden"
community_description = "The Vulpine Garden Community"
community_url = "https://discord.gg/GwQXurvt"
tags = ['karaoke']
guild_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


The source module for fetch events from Google Calendar. For adding a guild to this source you need to use the key [[BOTS.GoogleCalendar]] and add the following keys:

  • communities_name: list, the list of the names of the communities handled by this Google calendar
  • email: str, the email of the Google calendar
  • credentials_file: str, the path of the configuration file


communities_name = ['Creator Jam']
email = "rdklsjhuifkufgitpf1p450n6td04@group.calendar.google.com"
credentials_file = 'credentials.json'


The source module for fetch events from the Discord Apollo bot. For adding a guild to this source you need to use the key [[BOTS.Apollo]] and add the following keys:

  • community_name: str, the name of the community
  • community_description: str, the description of the community
  • community_url: str, the URL where to find this community, can be a discord invite link or a website
  • tags: list, the list of tags
  • guild_ids: int, the guild id
  • guild_channel: str, the name of the channel where the Apollo bot is publishing new events
  • bot: int, the bot id


community_name = "The Vulpine Garden"
community_description = "The Vulpine Garden Community"
community_url = "https://discord.gg/GwQXurvt"
tags = ['karaoke']
guild_id = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
guild_channel = "events"
bot = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Fetches events from JSON over http.

For config, you need to use the key [[BOTS.JSONEventsCollector]] and have the following keys:

  • community_name: str, The community name
  • events_url: str, The URL to get events from

You can also add

  • community_description: str, The description of the community
  • tags: array, community tags

Required keys in the JSON response:

  • name: The name of the event
  • description: The event description
  • start_time: The start time of the event in an ISO timestamp (must be in UTC)
  • end_time: The end time of the event in an ISO timestamp (must be in UTC)
  • location: The location of the event

Example config / response

An example config to be put in config.toml:

community_name = "Example Name"
community_description = "Example Description"
events_url = "https://example.com/events_json"
tags = ['example']

An example response from the endpoint:

    "name": "Example Name",
    "description": "Example description",
    "location": "Example's session",
    "start_time": "2024-04-20T00:00:00+00:00",
    "end_time": "2024-04-20T02:00:00+00:00"


This tools also give the ability to list planned Resonite streams from a selection of users.

  • TWITCH_CLIENT_ID: The Twitch client ID
  • TWITCH_SECRET: The Twitch client Secret
  • TWITCH_STREAMS: List of Twitch users to follow
  • TWITCH_GAME_ID: Resonite Twitch game ID (Default to current Resonite ID)
  • TWITCH_RESONITE_ACCOUNT_NAME: Official Resonite Twitch (Default to current Official Resonite Twitch Account)


As an example there is a compose file for start the full project really easy.


If you want to launch the project without docker you will need a Redis database. This project is then separated in two parts, the calendar update system and the calendar application by itself. This two parts can be executed separately and are totally independent from each other but the two depend of the redis database to work.

For the two applications there is an env variable for set the redis host: REDIS_HOST, it default to cache.

Calendar update system

The calendar update system work in a way that its always listen to discord events and as a cron job, every 5 minutes to check for missed events or in case of a reboot of this system.

The calendar update system can simply by launch via:

python bot.py

Modularity note

The bots folder contains a list of modules to get events from. While most of them are and will be for discord bot there is actually two exception, for now. The module called google and discord are for Google Calendar and Discord integrated event system. All of the bot are based on the class Bot in the _base.py file.

Calendar application

The calendar application is the system who will handle both API and web request for now.

The calendar application can simply by launch via

gunicorn -w 4 -b app:app



Note: This endpoint is noted as deprecated

  • /v1/events: return the list of the event in an easy readable format for Resonite: name`description`location`start_time`end_time`community_name\n\r Note: The last line don't have \n\r
  • /v1/aggregated_events: same format as /v1/events but return the list of aggragated events from this instance with the ones from the instance listed in the config variable SERVER_EVENTS
  • /: WebUI client

Both endpoints events and aggregated_events have the possibility to have only some community listed with the querystring communities who take as a parameters a list of community name separated by a coma. They also return a list of events from a Google calendar. See configuration below.


  • /v2/communities: return the list of the communities available on this event server /v2/events: return the list of the event in an easy readable format for Resonite: \n\r Note: The last line don't have \n\r
  • /v2/aggregated_events: same format as /v2/events but return the list of aggragated events from this instance with the ones from the instance listed in the config variable SERVER_EVENTS
  • /: WebUI client

Resonite facet client

Its possible to see the list of events available in Resonite via a facet. You can find the last version available in the public folder at this address: resrec:///U-GrayBoltWolf/R-6D21762A77D6D5F16D03C0163191BD068DCBA62DC7869C1C64E916ECDEFDEBC9

Resonite facet client

WebUI client

The WebUI client is directly using the functions internally and don't talk to the API in HTTP. Its use a simple css framework called Bulma and are loaded directly from differents CDN for now.

Date are formated directly without taking in account of the timezone of the webbrowser.

There is a support of the discord timestamp but only for the R format.

And the resonite session URL is automaticaly detected from the description if no URL already present in the locatization parameter. It will automaticaly use the first, and only the first, URL starting with http(s)://cloudx.azurewebsites.net for set the locatization parameter.

WebUI client

Add a google agenda

For adding a google agenda you need:

  • create a Google calendar with your personal account
  • create, or use, a Google Cloud Plateform account and create a new project. Enable the calendar API on it and create a Service Account with a json API key. Then you need to add the email of this Service Account API key as an authorized user of your personal Google calendar.
  • Copy the json file next to the project or where you want on the system.
  • Update the config.toml configuration depending on your need.

Note: The id of the calendar is in the settings of your Google Calendar under calendar integration.


For found what is the id of a guild you can use the script get_discord_server_list.py who return the list of guild where the bot is present.

Event creator usage notes

Since the source can also contains event who can happen in different location, either virtually or physically, the keyword Resonite must be specified either in the title, the description, or the location of an event. New lines and some special chars before being lowered.

Apollo bot

The Apollo bot is a special case since this bot doesn't support a 'location' field this one must be added in the description in the following format: Location: <event location>. For a correct detection this field should be on his own line. Don't forget to put a carriage return if you add test after and put a space before the L.