
Depression Assesment using EEG and Speech dataset for normal and MDD assesment and classification

we have processed and used MODMA dataset:

Check the detail descrption about the dataset the dataset includes data mainly from clinically depressed patients and matching normal controls. All patients were carefully diagnosed and selected by professional psychiatrists in hospitals. At this stage, only electroencephalogram (EEG) and speech recording data are made publicly available.


Go to folder and check data preprocessing files. You must downlaod dataset files and csv in order to process the raw dataset for deep learning models

Added new preprocessing files

you go to eeg prerocessing folder this folder EEG_preprocessing contained two other folder for dataset preprocessing


Go to dataloader_files folder and you can see various dataloader based on single EEG, single speech 2D images and multiple dataloader based on EEG and Speech combined 2D images


EEG 2D images as well as 1D signal models

paper link