
Opinionated Next.JS Boilerplate with TypeScript and Material-UI

Primary LanguageTypeScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Next.JS Boilerplate

CodeQL Analysis Workflow Status Cypress Workflow Status License

This is an opinionated Next.js boilerplate, with:

Getting Started

First-Time Setup

If this is your first time using NodeJS, you'll need to install Yarn to use this project:

(You only need to do this once per system you develop on.)

npm install -g yarn

Then, we can clone the repository into a path of your choosing:

git clone https://github.com/Rethunk-Tech/nextjs-boilerplate.git project-name
cd project-name

Finally, install the dependencies using yarn.

cd project-name
yarn install

Running the Dev Server

You can run the server locally with the following command:

yarn run dev -p 9000

With Docker

Or, you can use Docker to run the server within containers:

  1. Install Docker Compose

  2. Enable BuildKit for Docker. (It's faster and has cache.)

  3. "Up" the composition (specifying --build to force a re-build):

    docker-compose up --build

Open http://localhost:9000 with your browser to see the result.


If you need to debug something inside the container, you can get a shell using:

docker-compose run --rm -u 0 nextjs sh

Developing with this Boilerplate

First, open http://localhost:9000/ in a browser, and open pages/index.tsx in your preferred editor. Side-by-side the windows as shown below for the most convenient developing experience! (Even better with more monitors.)

Any changes made to a file in pages will automatically update in the browser as long as the dev server is running.

You can start editing the page by modifying pages/index.tsx.

API routes can be accessed on http://localhost:9000/api/hello. This endpoint can be edited in pages/api/hello.ts.

The pages/api directory is mapped to /api/*. Files in this directory are treated as API routes instead of React pages.

Learn More



Material UI

Cypress E2E Testing


Consider using Gitmoji in your commit messages.

Here are some we use:

Code Meaning
🐛 :bug: Fix a bug
💚 :green_heart: Fix CI Build
🚨 :rotating_light: Fix linter warnings
:zap: Improve performance
:sparkles: Introduce new feature
♻️ :recycle: Refactor code
🔥 :fire: Remove code or files
🙈 :see_no_evil: Update a .gitignore file
👷 :construction_worker: Update CI build system
💡 :bulb: Update comments in code
📝 :memo: Update documentation
⬆️ :arrow_up: Upgrade dependency