Godwoken polyjuice
An Ethereum compatible backend for Godwoken rollup framework. It include generator and validator implementations.
- All op codes
- Value transfer
- pre-compiled contracts
- ecrecover
- sha256hash
- ripemd160hash
- dataCopy
- bigModExp
- bn256AddIstanbul
- bn256ScalarMulIstanbul
- bn256PairingIstanbul (performance issue)
- blake2F
Data Structures
Polyjuice arguments
header : [u8; 8] (header[0] = 0xff,
header[1] = 0xff,
header[2] = 0xff,
header[3..7] = "POLY"
header[7] = call_kind { 0: CALL, 3: CREATE })
gas_limit : u64 (little endian)
gas_price : u128 (little endian)
value : u128 (little endian)
input_size : u32 (little endian)
input_data : [u8; input_size] (input data)
Every polyjuice argument fields must been serialized one by one and put into godwoken RawL2Transaction.args
for polyjuice to read. If the input_data
have 56 bytes, then the serialized data size is 8 + 8 + 16 + 16 + 4 + 56 = 108
Creator account script
code_hash: polyjuice_validator_type_script_hash
hash_type: type
rollup_type_hash : [u8; 32]
sudt_id : u32 (little endian, the token id)
Polyjuice creator account is a godwoken account for creating polyjuice contract account. This account can only been created by meta contract, and the account id is used as the chain id in polyjuice. The sudt_id
field in script args is the sudt token current polyjuice instance bind to.
Contract account script
code_hash: polyjuice_validator_type_script_hash
hash_type: type
rollup_type_hash : [u8; 32]
creator_account_id : u32 (little endian, also chain id, and for reading 'sudt_id' from creator account script)
info_data_hash : [u8; 20] (The information to be hashed is depend on how the account been created: [normal, create2],
the 20 bytes value is keccak256(info_data)[12..])
Normal contract account script
sender_address : [u8; 20] (the msg.sender: blake128(sender_script) + account id)
sender_nonce : u32
info_data: rlp_encode(sender_address, sender_nonce)
The polyjuice contract account created in polyjuice by CREATE
call kind or op code.
Create2 contract account script
special_byte : u8 (value is '0xff', refer to ethereum)
sender_address : [u8; 20] (the msg.sender: blake128(sender_script) + account id)
create2_salt : [u8; 32] (create2 salt)
init_code_hash : [u8; 32] (keccak256(init_code))
The polyjuice contract account created in polyjuice by CREATE2
op code.
Address used in polyjuice
The calculate method of contract
eth address is the same as the method in Ethereum, the data is equals to contract_script.args[36..56]
The EoA eth address is:
blake128(account_script) + account_id