
Pokitto Installer for RetroPie

Primary LanguageShell


A simple installer for Pokitto handheld on Retropie.

Installer Info:

      Version:          1.04

      Last Update:      11/25/22

Emu Info:

      Creator:         FManga 
      Github Link:     https://github.com/felipemanga/PokittoEmu

      Version:         1.04

      Last Update:     11/25/22


Whats game extensions?

  • .bin , .BIN , .pop & .POP

Why make this at all?

  • Someone asked & more systems the better .

Why is the screen small?

  • The emulator has a built in resolution. Lower Retropie pokitto resolution (press a while loading game). This will make it bigger on your screen lol.

Where do I get games?


Qjoypad Mappings

Please map the following keys to your controller

Key ------------- Function In Emu

Esc ------------- Quit PokittoEmu

F2 -------------- Save a screenshot as PNG

F3 -------------- Toggle screen recording

F5 -------------- Restart

F8 -------------- Pause/resume emulation

Arrow keys ------ D-pad directions

A -------------- A button

S/B ------------- B button

D/C ------------- C button

F --------------- Flash button

ES Systems Entry

  • ATM you will need to add the following to es-systems.cfg

        <extension>.BIN .bin .pop .POP</extension>
        <command>/opt/retropie/supplementary/runcommand/runcommand.sh 0 _SYS_ pokitto %ROM%</command>