
Path of Diablo Glide Setup and Configuration

Path of Diablo Glide Graphics Setup & Configuration

Discord: RetroCro#7154

  1. Install Diablo 2 and Lord of Destruction to your Documents folder (C:\Users\Pepega\Documents\Diablo II) or anywhere besides the default Program Files directory to reduce likelyhood of errors.

    1. Update your D2 to the latest version by connecting to battle.net
  2. Install Path of Diablo from: https://github.com/GreenDude120/PoD-Launcher/releases/download/install/pathofdiablolauncher.msi During Installation, click Browse and make sure you select the folder where you installed Diablo II (C:\Users\Pepega\Documents\Diablo II). The default path is not always correct.

    i) Once the install finishes, Right click the PoD Launcher -> Run as Admin. Pick any download site to begin downloading all the mod files. Do not press start Play yet.

  3. Unhandled Exception: Access_Violation (c0000005) Fix: 1.

    DEP Settings

    Setup EXE to Run as Admin

    1. Windows Defender Security Center > App & browser control > Exploit protection > Exploit protection settings > You can select the PoD folder to disable it for that folder
  4. *** After DEP change you MUST restart **** REBOOT!!!!! REBOOT!!!!! REBOOT!!!!!

  5. Setup D2 to Use 3DFX/Glide graphics

    1. Right click your PoD Launcher shortcut and click Open File Location.
    2. Run D2VidTest.exe. When it's done select the last option - 3dfx Glide


  6. Setup Glide/3DFX to run D2 in FULLSCREEN BORDERLESS mode:

    1. Next run glide-init.exe in your PoD folder. If the program starts in German, the second button from last will change it to English.

    2. Run the query info first!!!!


    1. Then go to Extensions section and select the following (tested with Nvidia GTX 960, 1060 and 1080 Ti


    1. Settings Section


    1. Renderer


    1. Close/Exit glide-init
  7. PoD Launcher Setup:

    1. Run the PoD Launcher.exe and set the following options:


    1. Click Play!
  1. Enable In Game Inspect Items and Custom Loot Filter: A) If you used my glide settings from above you should be able to press ALT+ENTER when the game starts to enable Full Screen Borderless! If it doesn't go fullscreen borderless, then you didn't copy my settings or there are other issues! B) In game, CTRL+LeftClick the bottom left corner "Settings" box C) Set a hotkey for showing players gear on the Misc tab D) On the Loot Filter Tab, enable the Custom Loot Filter checkbox - https://imgur.com/a/4IJ4qfe
