
source image for the background?

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Any chance you can share the source images you used for the background of the menu items? I love what you've done but would like to customize it a bit. Thanks!

I meant background images for each of the menu items (to select the console). For example, I'd like to make the MAME one say Arcade and I'd like to add in a bunch of other ones like NES, SNES, etc

Like I said, I did not keep any source files. Also, there is an Arcade one there already in the Arcade folder.

But you don't need my source files really. It is a 1060x372 png with 2 layers. Background I just make blurred with a filter, and add wheel images 2nd layer. Even if I had a source file it would be a blank PSD file 1060x372.

I intentionally only did arcade displays for this theme.


Ok, thanks, no problem. I don't have any graphical talent or I'd just do it myself. I'm a coder, not a graphics guy. :0

Thanks for your time and for your excellent themes

It's ok, I got it covered. I ended up taking your vertical theme as a base and wrote some bash scripts to change out the images with image from other themes - some of them yours. I put the scripts on github but they aren't ready for use by anyone but me since I hardcoded the paths. If there were any interest, I could make them usable.

Thanks again for all your awesome themes