
My homebrew platform game for MS-DOS

Primary LanguagePascal

Bob's Fury

Bob's Fury is a game project I started back when I was a teenager. This is the Pascal port I've been working on since around 1999.

It's a work in progress (ie. it's not complete) and includes two sets of levels from the much older Qbasic version of the game I wrote as a teenager.

If you wish to leave feedback contact me on twitter (@Sparcie2) or on my wordpress blog. sparcie.wordpress.com


The game requires about 200-300K of memory (more than 256k recommended) and a graphics card (CGA, EGA, VGA or VESA/SVGA). It will run on 8088/8086 machines with best results being on an 8Mhz 8086 or faster. Slower machines will work but with inconsistent performance at normal speed. Setting the game speed to slow will improve this. Any 286 and faster should work fine.

If you are running on a slow machine and are experiencing slow down, there are a couple of options. Some graphics modes are slower than others. The speed of the modes from slowest to fastest is: VESA/SVGA, EGA, VGA, CGA. Lesser graphics modes also use less memory which is useful on machines with less RAM.

The game supports Adlib, PC speaker and the OPLxLPT devices which you can select with command line options.
The default behaviour is to use Adlib if detected and fall back to PC speaker if it isn't. Music support has been made, but I haven't made any serious effort to compose any suitable music yet (the available music is for testing only), this option is best left turned off.

The game remembers the hardware configuration between sessions, command line switches are only required to change what is currently used.

Trouble shooting Tips

I have done some testing on real hardware, but since what I have is extremely limited I can't guarantee it will work perfectly on your system. Dosbox works quite well with pretty much the default settings. If you have a problem please report a bug by posting a comment on my blog.

If you have problems try a different sound device or disable doubling the PIT speed.


I'm obviously still working on this so changes will be made over time, hopefully adding more levels, but perhaps also other features as I need them. I'm doing this in my spare time, of which I have very little, so progress is slow. There will be updates, but there may be some significant time between them.

The next big change is a new graphic library to replace the borland graphics library to improve performance on 8088 and 8086 class machines.

Some things I don't plan on changing.

  • I'm not going to add smooth scrolling. It would be too big a change to the code base and wouldn't be faithful to the QBasic original. Although I am now considering re-writing much of the graphics support for better performance.
  • I'm not going to add digitised Sound blaster sound. I am considering adding CMS support but it's not planned at this stage.

Command Line

bob /? -e -cga -h -l -n -a -s -c <file.map>

/? = shows a list of command line options

-e   = EGA graphics mode (640x200x16)
-cga = CGA graphics mode (320x200x4)
-l   = VGA graphics mode (320x200x256) (default)
-h   = VESA/SVGA graphics mode (640x400x256)

-n   = Force sound to be turned off.
-a   = Auto detect Adlib or PC Speaker
-s   = Force using the PC Speaker
LPT1 = use the OPL2LPT on LPT1
LPT2 = use the OPL2LPT on LPT2

-np  = disable doubling the PIT speed

-c <File.map> = used for loading a level directly.


Bob's Fury is Freeware. This means you get to play with it for free, but I still own it.