
Amiga IFF (Interchangeable File Format) image file viewer

Primary LanguagePascal


Amiga IFF (Interchangeable File Format) image file viewer.

This is my personal attempt to create a IFF image viewer with Lazarus-IDE and FPC (FreePascal). It's a basic viewer which currently has the following functionality:

  • View .lbm and .iff files;
  • View other files if they have embedded IFF format files;
  • Works for both progressive and interlaced bitmaps;
  • Works for both compressed and non-compressed bitmaps;
  • Works for EHB (Extra Half-Brite, Amiga specific gfxmode) bitmaps (also has EHB palette force option);
  • Works for HAM (Hold-And-Modify, Amiga specific gfxmode) bitmaps if they are of interlaced (ILBM) type;
  • Shows bitmap properties for all embedded bitmaps;
  • By default loads all embedded bitmaps as one, if they have compatible properties;
  • Can also show each embedded bitmap one by one (user selects the one to show);
  • Can show the Thumbnail images if they exist in the IFF files;
  • By default does aspect ratio correction.

I guess that's about it for now.

Stay tuned for more updates over the coming time :-)

Rudolf Cornelissen.