
replica 1 apple 1 replica 20th anniversary edition

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replica 1 20th anniversary edition


20th anniversary features

Backwards capable of running all apple 1 software plus...
65C816 CPU replaces the 6502 with choice of oscillator 1-4mhz
65C816 starts up in 6502 mode replicating apple 1
512K RAM onboard capable of 16 meg with built in 24 bit addressing mode Micro USB connector can connect to supply, laptop, even a phone or tablet!
Phone and tablets can power replica 1 and PS/2 keyboard!
PS/2 connector for keyboard interface
VGA Video output
VGA Output capable of 80X24 Text
Inverse Characters
Several Text Colors for screen (only 1 main color for entire screen)
Capable of plotting on screen in location X, Y
Home cursor and Clear Screen functions built in with simple control codes
Several cursor modes including no cursor
Cursor and screen modes controlled by control codes and keyboard codes
Faster display output
Clear Screen with "Home" key on keyboard
RESET replica 1 on keyboard with Shift + Break/Pause keys

Tested working with the CFFA1 in primary slot only
Open source board files and source code for all to enjoy and learn
Custom Mon816 program to examine all upper memory above 64K More details to come, stay tuned...