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Project: The Testable Death Square

The rebels are on board our death square, and are heading for our datbanks! A platoon of storm troopers has been sent to stop them, but we need to know the second they go offline so we can switch to a backup. Let's do some TDD!


  1. Open up our data banks. Go into turret-api, run seed.js and server.js...but don't forget to install those npm modules!

  2. Go into imperial-starfleet and start up our front end.

  3. Run ng test inside imperial-starfleet. Nice, passing two tests. But one failing test on InfoWindow! Let's make it pass.

  4. That failing test is complaining about No provider for Http. What Module could we import to info-window.component.spec.ts? Hint: it's towards the top of app.module.ts. Don't forget to add it to an imports array below the declarations array in TestBed.configureTestingModule. Save the file, and check the ng test browser output.

  5. Woo hoo, we're failing again! We need to import one more thing. It's called RouterTestingModule and it comes from the @angular/router/testing package. Don't forget to add it to the imports array, too. Save the file, and check the ng test browser output one more time.

  6. Create a new test below the 'should be created' one, and call it 'should have a findTurret function to get data from the data banks'. Fail this test the old fashioned way, by making it test expect(true).toEqual(false);.

  7. Let's actually test something now. We're going to make a lot of changes to our Death Square Dashboard™, and we need to make sure that findTurret is still a working function. Replace our expect(true)... expectation with expect(typeof(component.findTurret)).toBe('function');

  8. Check your tests in Chrome one more time. Once they are all passing, we know one more thing is safe from those blasted rebels!
