- 9
only first 4096 bytes of app are correct
#129 opened by effbiae - 2
when app has more code, it misbehaves
#127 opened by effbiae - 11
booting from floppy hangs in pure64
#125 opened by effbiae - 4 holding state from previous runs
#119 opened by effbiae - 6
#105 opened by andymans - 3
- 9
- 2
Several questions about the project
#58 opened by WEREMSOFT - 7
- 14
no graphic related demo is running
#55 opened by WEREMSOFT - 4
- 2
- 1
BareMetal-OS stuck at startup on QEMU?
#47 opened by pcotret - 5 fails on Linux
#46 opened by stacksmith - 2
- 5
How to load BareMetal-OS onto a device.
#39 opened by lancejpollard - 8
Error in
#45 opened by dosadi - 11
How to build ethtoolc
#43 opened by afrantisak - 1
Support for imgui/opengl
#40 opened by npyl - 5 cp command fails on macOS
#41 opened by placrosse - 5
Cannot run newlib test app
#35 opened by anacierdem - 16
- 5
What libs are avalible
#38 opened by iceblu3710 - 2
ld errors
#37 opened by StaleHyena - 0
App Scripts Improvements
#32 opened - 2
App files
#33 opened by lalax-systems - 1 can run, but nothing display
#31 opened by woylaski - 11 needs update
#19 opened by placrosse - 1
Travis CI
#29 opened - 1
Using Git Submodules
#27 opened - 3 fails due to linker option
#21 opened by placrosse - 1 does not boot properly
#24 opened by anacierdem - 2 refers to missing legacy repo
#18 opened by placrosse - 1
compile ok, but run with qemu, no ">" appear
#23 opened by woylaski - 2 cp command fails on macOS
#20 opened by placrosse - 2
hello! what's new to the legacy?
#16 opened by fcnn - 2
How to make iso for bootable usb flash drive?
#13 opened by Konard - 1
Trying to build on Cloud 9, but..
#12 opened by Konard - 1
Add Automake to Requisites
#6 opened by jaredjones