Briefly explain any difficulties and 1 interesting thing you noticed about your chosen dataset in your readme section of your GitHub repo.

  • Quite straightforward to import data to SQL.
  • Each Record is uniquely identified by a show_id which is the primary key

Use simple SQL queries to play with the data.

SELECT * FROM week8.netflix_titles; - displays all the data

Find 2 cool facts hidden within the data (e.g., most popular interests).

  • Movies are pouplar than Tv Shows

SELECT type, COUNT(*) as count FROM week8.netflix_titles GROUP BY type ORDER BY count DESC;


Formulate 2 questions about the data (e.g., what are popular shows in different countries?).

  • Popular shows in different countries?
    • In Japan and USA the most popular shows are action and adventure while in India its internatonal Tv Shows and Romantic shows.
SELECT country, listed_in, COUNT(*) as count
FROM netflix_titles
GROUP BY country, listed_in
  • Year with most releases?
  • 2021 happens to be the year with the most releases.
