- Adding another host
- Looking at it with the Orleans Dashboard
Add some statistics to our URL Shortener
Using a timer, periodically clear statistics
Reminder: forgettable URLs: delete the URL after some period of time
- Modify the timer in the above to periodically flush stats to a stats collector grain
- NOTE: collecting stats at the domain level, not URL level
- Stats collectors fan-in by a factor of (eg) 2^16 at a time
- Hash domain, accrue at per-domain stats grain, then progressively up a chain of fan-in aggregator grains to a root TopN grain
- Flush all the way up to root-level stats on the 10 most popular domains in a given time period
- Observers to monitor a given domain's statistics
- Observers to monitor a client based on IP
- Per-client statistics for URL create/update events
- RequestContext for AuthZ to perform administrative actions on a URL (eg, creator or admin can delete)
- Could auto-generate a key at initial creation time, requiring that to be used to delete the URL or redirect it
- Throttling creation of shortened URLs by client IP
- Banning clients by IP