
Resurrect the podly

Primary LanguageJavaScript

The Podly

Resurrect Podly

Dev Setup

I built a blank yo angular and copied it into the project. The idea is to port the stuff under angular/ over to app/

Installing dependencies

Check if ruby is installed: ruby -v
Assuming it is, do (may need to run w/ sudo): gem update --system && gem install compass

Check if brew is installed: which brew
If it's not:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Check if node is installed: node -v
If it's not: brew install node

Check if n is installed: which n
If it's not: npm install -g n
Install the correct version of node: n v0.12.7
Install npm dependencies: npm install -g grunt-cli bower yo

Install npm packages for the project: npm install
Install bower packages for the project: bower install

Starting the Server

Run grunt serve and it should pop open a browser window. Right now, it will just show the yeoman generated page. To quit, type ctrl-c in the command line window.

Legacy Stuff

  • old-yesod-models is a description of the database schema we were using
  • angular/ contains the coffeescript and HTML which made up most of the site functionality
    • .hamlet files are a bastard HTML format with no closing tags
    • both .hamlet and .coffee files might have Yesod (Haskell) snippets in them which will need to be fixed
    • we should consider ditching coffeescript and just converting it back to javascript or typescript
  • static/ has stuff we didn't render from the backend
    • images for icons
    • flash player
    • javascript libraries
    • bootstrap css

Things That are Missing

  • Backend logic (in Haskell)
    • Validation
    • Database access
    • Login/permissions access
    • Probably other stuff
  • A way to render and server the assets
    • Probably should setup a simple node.js server for testing and deploy to S3 or Firebase CDN