A Playdate game written in Zig using Windows
Inspired by shooters like Minigore. This is a simple horde survival game where the player moves around and uses a crank controlled gatling gun to take down enemies.
- Built with Zig 0.10.1
- Built with Arm toolchain 11.3.1
- Built with Playdate SDK 1.13.2
- Music
- Enemy obstacle avoidance???
- Bullet sorting and rendering refactor
- Health crates
- Ammo crates
- Level artefacts
- Combine sparse arrays for enemies
- Culling - Test if we need to cull and handle the culling logic
- Movement bounds
- New character models
- Better auto targetting
- Enemies spawning in waves and at better locations
- Trophy Room (artefacts and high score)
- Launcher and card images
- Violence warning
- Replace text with custom bitmap font
- Stop the enemies bunching up
- Randomised level selection
- Add running on device to zig build (pdutil)
- Tweak constants editing in realtime on simulator via file read
- Offset camera in the direction of movement
- Instructions
- Spawn effects
- Hit effects
- Fire effects
- Player/enemy die anim
- Player/enemy move anim
- Player fire anim
- Better BG
- Rotation interpolation for new target
- Enemy types
- Gun types