So this is the EC assignment 1, I have done this in seprate files and I will be describing what each file does, also I didn't take any static values I stored the data in the phone's memopry using shared prefrences where the data is sotred in key-value pairs in the form of objects, so evreything is dynamic without using any database.
FILES:- All the presentation_layer files are here, these are called activitiy files in Androud.
Presentation Layer Files(Src/main/java/lab/assignment_1):-
-> This file contains the front end for the voting screen
-> This file contains the front end for the poll result
-> functionality just a front end file ) This file contains the front end for the addition of candidate
-> This file contains the front end for the dashboard
-> This file contains the front end for the poll rreport
Application Layer Files(Src/main/java/lab/assignment_1)/controllers:-
This file is the controller for the business logic for the screens of poll result and poll report. It contains two functions process report and process result which are responsible for rhe busniness logic for the coroesponding files respectively.
This file is controller for the busniess logic for the screen Main activity which registers a vote and proceess if you have voted previously or not It contains one function whcih processes the data and throws desired outcome to the front screen to display
so the function reutrns string which is the messege to the user which i am genrating through the presentation layer via TOAST on the screen.
DataAccess Layer Files(Src/main/java/lab/assignment_1/):-
These are not data accesslayers these are just functions which are going to bring values from files to busniess logic
I have created temporary Arraylists to store the data from the database and performe necessary function I havent used a pure data access layer it is just fetching the data from the xml temp file