
A powerful organization tool for you to keep track of all your shiny structures in EVE online at an Alliance, Corporation, Or Personal level.

Primary LanguagePHP

EVE Structures

Please note that this is still in early development, and may not be stable. Master branch releases should be reliable enough to use, while the Dev branch should be treated as unstable.

A powerful organization tool for you to keep track of all your shiny structures in EVE online at an Alliance, Corporation, Or Personal level.

Before Proceeding...

This application has been built primarily for cloud base structure management. This means if you are NOT an IT nerd, it's great for you! You can use the secure cloud based system at EVE Structures where your data is safe and secure. Your data will NEVER be shared and I work under no affiliation to any entity within EVE Online with this service.

If you are a paranoid IT Nerd, or wish to contribute to the development of EVE Structures, please feel free to continue reading below!



At this point in time the requirements are pretty sparse, but will likely expand down the line.

As an Aside, I use Laragon for local development.


Assuming you meet the requirements above and have a general understanding of *nix, cd to your web root and...

git clone https://github.com/revenantal/eve-structures.git
cd eve-structures

At this point you will want to manually edit the .env.example file location at /eve-structures/.env.example and update the following key values with your appropriate data, saving the updated file as .env.



You can obtain your eve online details from https://developers.eveonline.com/. The following scopes are required from EVE Online.


Assuming you haven't left the eve-structures folder you can finish the install with the following commands.

composer install
npm install
php artisan migrate --seed

Reporting Bugs

Please report issues using Github.


Feel free to join us on Discord!