
Rust library for hardware accelerated drawing of 2D shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API.

Primary LanguageRustApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Crate Documentation CI

Hardware-accelerated drawing of shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API.

Speedy2D aims to be:

  • The simplest Rust API for creating a window, rendering graphics/text, and handling input
  • Compatible with any device supporting OpenGL 2.0+, with support for OpenGL ES 2.0+ and WebGL coming soon
  • Very fast

Supports Windows, Mac, and Linux. Support for Android, iOS, and WebGL is in development.

By default, Speedy2D contains support for setting up a window with an OpenGL context, and receiving input events. If you'd like to handle this yourself, and use Speedy2D only for rendering, you can disable the windowing feature.

Useful Links

Example code

The example projects can be run using cargo run --example=hello_world (just change hello_world to the name of the example source file).


Quick Start

Step 1: Add Speedy2D to your Cargo.toml dependencies:

speedy2d = "1.1.2"

Step 2: Create a window:

use speedy2d::Window;

let window = Window::new_centered("Title", (640, 480)).unwrap();

Step 3: Create a struct implementing the WindowHandler trait. Override whichever callbacks you're interested in, for example on_draw(), on_mouse_move(), or on_key_down().

use speedy2d::color::Color;
use speedy2d::window::{WindowHandler, WindowHelper};
use speedy2d::Graphics2D;

struct MyWindowHandler {}

impl WindowHandler for MyWindowHandler
    fn on_draw(&mut self, helper: &mut WindowHelper, graphics: &mut Graphics2D)
        graphics.clear_screen(Color::from_rgb(0.8, 0.9, 1.0));
        graphics.draw_circle((100.0, 100.0), 75.0, Color::BLUE);

        // Request that we draw another frame once this one has finished

   // If desired, on_mouse_move(), on_key_down(), etc...

Step 4: Finally, start the event loop by passing your new WindowHandler to the run_loop() function.


That's it!

For a more detailed getting started guide, including a full list of WindowHandler callbacks, and how to render text, go to docs.rs/speedy2d.

The full code of the above example is below for your convenience:

use speedy2d::color::Color;
use speedy2d::{Graphics2D, Window};
use speedy2d::window::{WindowHandler, WindowHelper};

fn main() {
    let window = Window::new_centered("Title", (640, 480)).unwrap();

struct MyWindowHandler {}

impl WindowHandler for MyWindowHandler
    fn on_draw(&mut self, helper: &mut WindowHelper, graphics: &mut Graphics2D)
        graphics.clear_screen(Color::from_rgb(0.8, 0.9, 1.0));
        graphics.draw_circle((100.0, 100.0), 75.0, Color::BLUE);

Alternative: Managing the GL context yourself

If you'd rather handle the window creation and OpenGL context management yourself, simply disable Speedy2D's windowing feature in your Cargo.toml file, and create a context as follows. You will need to specify a loader function to allow Speedy2D to obtain the OpenGL function pointers.

use speedy2d::GLRenderer;

let mut renderer = unsafe {
    GLRenderer::new_for_gl_context((640, 480), |fn_name| {
        window_context.get_proc_address(fn_name) as *const _

Then, draw a frame using GLRenderer::draw_frame():

renderer.draw_frame(|graphics| {
    graphics.draw_circle((100.0, 100.0), 75.0, Color::BLUE);


Speedy2D is licensed under the Apache license, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more details.


Pull requests for Speedy2D are always welcome. Please ensure the following checks pass locally before submitting:

cargo test
cargo test --no-default-features --lib --examples --tests
cargo clippy
cargo +nightly fmt -- --check
cargo doc

Some tests require the ability to create a headless OpenGL context.