
Download music, playlist, artist's top tracks and album from spotify in your telegram!

Primary LanguagePython


A Telegram Bot that can download music from Spotify

RevSpotify is a fast, useful telegram bot to have your Spotify music on Telegram.

✨ Features (till now)

  • Download tracks from Spotify
  • Download albums from Spotify
  • Download playlists from Spotify
  • Download artist's top tracks from Spotify

⚙️ Installation

RevSpotify only and only requires Docker to run.

Install Docker and start the bot, docker takes care of other dependencies.

apt install docker-ce

Now clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/revisto/RevSpotify
cd RevSpotify

Let's take care of .env files...

cp revspotify/.env.example revspotify/.env

.env file contains your telegram bot token and spotify client id and secret.

TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=<your telegram bot token>
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<your spotify client id>
SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<your spotify client secret>


Make sure that you have done all installation steps and made .env files. then, build it and run it.

docker build -t revspotify .
docker run -d revspotify

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome.
Feel free to check issues page if you want to contribute.

Show your support

Please ⭐️ this repository if this project helped you!

📝 License


Free Software, Hell Yeah!