- 1
HiDPI icons in tabcontrol and openide.awt modules
#160 opened by eirikbakke - 9
- 5
#171 opened by EduardoGoncalves1966 - 5
Manual install option/github releases
#169 opened by NbrTDB - 0
unreadable numbers in performance graph
#170 opened by pdurbin - 2
NBM on Maven Central?
#165 opened by geertjanw - 17
- 2
GUI Builder Colors
#167 opened by intesisdev - 3
Warnings in NB 10.0 using openjdk 11
#163 opened by darkyellow - 4
Any reason to use the AlexFalappa JAR?
#162 opened by emilianbold - 2
Editor tab color
#140 opened by johnmanko - 0
- 1
NetBeans 9.0 compatibility
#158 opened by stefanwendelmann - 0
Issues about syntax coloring & window's color
#157 opened by DemoCrazer - 8
Make tab with unsaved changes more discernable
#147 opened by black-corvus - 2
Ini files are not so readable
#125 opened by cdekok - 0
New Widget selection Glow under Java 11
#155 opened by wltjr - 0
jsp:include code completion popup hard to read
#154 opened by eugene-beldy - 0
Markdow files are not so readable
#153 opened by Mondane - 0
Replace Icons with IntelliJ Darcula Icons
#152 opened by Chris2011 - 0
Color contrast of Java icon in Options menu
#151 opened by DemoCrazer - 0
Please create tags/releases
#150 opened by wltjr - 0
How to add to a non-maven Netbeans RCP application
#148 opened by alienatorZ - 0
Unreadable combobox JPQL Query
#146 opened by stefanwendelmann - 0
Vertical lines in treeview
#145 opened by zazy - 0
Bolder property names - variables, methods, etc
#144 opened by vasouv - 6
Code coverage report not very readable
#131 opened by pnsantos - 1
Uninstall of Dark LAF does not remove all effects
#143 opened by truckee - 4
.tpl placeholder has a yellow background
#139 opened by Chris2011 - 2
Project tree indentation
#142 opened by riksoft - 7
Select in Projects shortcut doesn't work
#132 opened by Saljack - 2
Control+PageUp/Down don't work on netbeans 8.2
#126 opened by okvorb - 2
- 10
Make Darcula work on Netbeans under JDK 9.
#137 opened by twolf2919 - 6
SQL results output is not good readable
#133 opened by Chris2011 - 0
- 7
L&F breaks tab navigation
#114 opened by cowwoc - 1
Setting the default font to large sizes causes some UI elements to be clipped (High DPI display issue)
#138 opened by nureyev - 0
Vote for dark title bar support under macOS
#141 opened by hendriks73 - 3
- 2
- 2
PHP Variables not well readable
#129 opened by Chris2011 - 5
Icons and text jumps for selected entries
#119 opened by markiewb - 3
L&F prevents installation of Netbeans updates
#115 opened by cowwoc - 8
Color blends
#123 opened by rvillablanca - 2
Default button behaviour does not work as expected in Find Usages dialog with warnings or error
#122 opened by Saljack - 0
Feature suggestion: Dark Nimbus L&F
#121 opened by ghaffarian - 4
How to configure as project in netbeans 8.1
#117 opened by sureshamk - 3
- 1
Pale icons
#113 opened by xahon