
week-22-m-istighfar created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguagePython

Task Geass

A modern task management application designed to help you stay organized and productive.

Live Deployment

Table of Contents

Key Features

  • User Authentication: Safeguard your tasks and information with our user authentication system.
  • Enhanced Security with Login Rate Limiter: Protect against brute-force attacks with a Redis-backed login rate limiter, ensuring secure access.
  • Login & Register: Sign up to start organizing, or log in to access your tasks.
  • Secure Password Recovery: Forget your password? Recover it securely.
  • Task Management: Add, view, and edit tasks with ease.
  • Task Prioritization: Determine which tasks need your attention first.
  • Mark Tasks as Complete: Get the satisfaction of checking off completed tasks.
  • Sorting & Filtering: Easily find and order your tasks.
  • Search: Quickly locate specific tasks.

Getting Started


Ensure you have the following software installed:

  • Python 3.11: The programming language used.
  • Pipenv (optional but recommended): A packaging tool for Python that simplifies dependency management.


  1. Clone the repository from GitHub:

    git clone https://github.com/RevoU-FSSE-2/week-22-m-istighfar.git
  2. Navigate to the cloned directory:

    cd week-22-m-istighfar
  3. Install the required dependencies using Pipenv:

    pipenv install
  4. Activate the virtual environment:

    pipenv shell
  5. Set up environment variables:**

    • Copy .env.example to a new file named .env in the src directory.
    • Modify the .env file with your specific configurations.
  6. Start the Flask development server:

    flask run
  7. Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:5000 or the port you set.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend: React, React Router DOM, Ant Design, Vite, TypeScript, Moment.js, vite-plugin-pwa.
  • Backend: Flask, various Flask extensions, SQLAlchemy, Redis, Psycopg2-binary, PyJWT, Marshmallow, Faker, Gunicorn.
  • Database: PostgreSQL.
  • DevOps: Docker, Google Cloud Platform.

API Endpoint

Method Endpoint Description
POST /auth/register Register a new user
GET /auth/verify-email/{token} Verify user's email address
POST /auth/login Login user with redis rate limit
POST /auth/refreshToken Refresh the access token
POST /auth/request-password-reset Request a password reset email
POST /auth/reset-password/{resetToken} Reset user's password with a given token
GET /user/tasks Get all tasks for the logged-in user
POST /user/tasks Create a new task for the logged-in user
DELETE /user/tasks Delete all tasks for the logged-in user
GET /user/tasks/{id} Get a specific task by ID
PUT /user/tasks/{id} Update a specific task by ID
DELETE /user/tasks/{id} Delete a specific task by ID
PATCH /user/tasks/{id}/complete Mark a specific task as complete
GET /admin/list-user Get a list of all users (Admin only)
POST /admin/create-user Create a new user (Admin only)
PUT /admin/update-user/{id} Update a specific user by ID (Admin only)
DELETE /admin/delete-user/{id} Delete a specific user by ID (Admin only)