
Dnsbruter is a powerful tool designed to perform active subdomain enumeration and discovery. It uses DNS resolution to efficiently bruteforce and identify potential subdomains for a given target domain. With its multithreading capability, users can control the concurrency level to speed up the process.

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Dnsbruter - Asynchronous Dns Bruteforcing Tool

Dnsbruter an Asynchronous Dns bruteforcing and Fuzzing Tool for Penetration Testers and Ethical hackers. it used to bruteforce and fuzz for domain names in any position of input using BRUT word in it.

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  • Asynchronous and concurrent dns bruteforcing.
  • Supports both dns brutforcing and fuzzing.
  • Manages high level threads.
  • Manages high loads wordlist.
  • Enhanced asynchronous performance better than before.
  • Wildcard detection for found domain.


To start using Dnsbruter, use the following command-line options:

dnsbruter -h                                
     __              __               __            
 ___/ /  ___   ___  / /   ____ __ __ / /_ ___   ____
/ _  /  / _ \ (_-< / _ \ / __// // // __// -_) / __/
\_,_/  /_//_//___//_.__//_/   \_,_/ \__/ \__/ /_/   


[DESCRIPTION]: dnsbruter is a powerfull tool for asynchronous dns brutforcing and fuzzing with wildcard detection


    dnsbruter [options]

            -d   ,  --domain               string   : domain name for resolving subdomains.
            -w   ,  --wordlist             string   : wordlist path for dnsbruter.
            -rl,    --resolver             string   : filename contains list of resolvers (default: system config)
            -ip,    --ipaddress            command  : shows ip for valid domains that found by dnsbruter
            -v,     --versbose             command  : increase the verbosity of output
            -wd,    --wildcard-detect      command  : enable to detect wildcards for found domains.
            -ov,    --override             command  : enable to skip the domain verification and this is not applies to when used BRUT in domain.
            -c   ,  --concurrency            int    : number of concurrency value for dns bruteforcing.             
            -wt  , --wildcard-threds         int    : number of threads values for wildcard detections
            -up,    --updates              command  : updates the Dnsbruter for latest version (required: pip to be installed) 
            -dc,    --disable-check        command  : disable updates check for dnsbruter
            -o,     --output               string   : filename to save the scans outputs. 
            -ws,    --wildcard-output      string   : filename to save the found wildcard domains.
            -h,     --help                 command  : shows this help message and exits.
            -vr,    --version              command  : shows Version of the dnsbruter and exits:
            -nc,    --no-color             command  : disable the dnsbruter's colorised CLI outputs and info.
            -s,     --silent               command  : only shows essetial outputs and avoid other info.

Uses of Dnsbruter:

Dnsbruter is highly asynchronous and concurrent dns brutforcing and fuzzing tool . Dnsbruter can be used to bruteforce for valid subdomains and also can be used to FUZZ in any position the domain for example the normal bruteforce domain can be passed as admin.google.com and default dnsbruter checks for domain is valid and it have wildcard dns are not to ensure get accurate results and the Fuzz method domain can be passed for example adminBRUT.google.com and the BRUT word is used for Fuzz method like we use FUZZ in tools like ffuf and when BRUT is passed in domain the Dnsbruter will not checks for valid domain because for fuzzing and this also applies to wildcard records of it. Dnsbruter can run more concurrent and powerfull but its all depends on the users network speed and resolvers used. Dnsbruter is runs with ligth weight threads which is a advantage for low end VPS users and can handle high loads wordlist without causing any system CPU's loads so Dnsbruter supports well in your low end system and it will try best not crash your network like puredns so it will be good alternative tool for you.


Dnsbruter can be installed easily with tools using pip & pipx to install the tool easily and follow the below method of installation.


requires pip need to be installed with latest python version

pip install --no-deps --force-reinstall --break-system-packages git+https://github.com/RevoltSecurities/Dnsbruter.git


requires pipx to be installed with latest python version

pipx install git+https://github.com/RevoltSecurities/Dnsbruter.git --break-system-packages


The Dnsbruter is a open source tool for all Security Researchers and CyberSecurity people to use in their security assesments and information gathering process which helps them lot and We encourage open source contributor to help for Dnsbruter updates and We hope this tools helps everyone if this tool helps please show you support by giving ⭐ to Dnsbruter ⚡.