
Unable to manually select the screen resolution

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

Unable to manually select the screen resolution, t sets the resolution automatically by itself

To Reproduce

  1. Start the game
  2. Go to Settings

Expected behaviour

In early versions of Thrive the screen resolution could be chosen manually, but after switching to godot 4 this is no longer possible.



System information

  • OS: Windows 10
  • GPU : Gtx 1050 TI
  • Thrive: 0.6.6

Game Logs

Nothing to display

Additional Context

No response

In early versions of Thrive the screen resolution could be chosen manually, but after switching to godot 4 this is no longer possible.

Resolution has not been possible to change since the switch to Godot 3. Godot doesn't really want to use different window resolutions that can be explicitly set, which is why the setting doesn't exist:

As an alternative we've had a feature request open for a long time to add render resolution / scaling options: #1209