
DBSHURI DSR is a tool for quick fix oracle datafile.

DBSHUIRI DSR 1.1 Documentation


DBSHURI DSR is a tool for quick fix oracle datafile.

DSR is a command line tool , it can be used to edit oracle datafile header , and then recover the database.

Core Functionality:

DbShuiRi (DSR) is designed to address Oracle datafile issues by providing a command-line interface for users to execute various commands targeting the datafile header to facilitate database recovery.

Key Commands and Operations:

  • Backup and Restore Datafile Header:
    • backuphdr: This command backs up the datafile header.
    • restorehdr: This command restores the datafile header from a backup.
  • Manipulate Checkpoint SCN:
    • ckpscn: This command sets the checkpoint System Change Number (SCN) for a datafile, which is crucial for maintaining data consistency in Oracle databases.
  • View Datafile Header Content:
    • hdr: This command displays the content of the datafile header, providing insight into the crucial metadata stored in the header.

Application in Real-world Scenarios:

  • Lost Current Redo Log File Scenario:

    • When the current redo log file is lost, Oracle will throw errors (ORA-00313 and ORA-00312) upon attempting to open the database.
    • An attempt to open the database with resetlogs (alter database open resetlogs;) results in error ORA-01139 since this operation is only valid after an incomplete database recovery.
    • The commands provided by DSR can be used to rectify the header information, set the appropriate SCN values, and proceed with the recovery operations to get the database back online.
  • CASE Oracle Datafile Damaged by Malware/Ransomware -- devos:

    • In situations where a datafile is compromised by malware or ransomware, DSR can aid in recovery.
    • The dsr initfake command can be used to create a good datafile header, essentially faking a healthy state for the datafile.
    • Post this, the dsr fitsize command can be used to adjust the datafile header to fit the real size of the datafile, aiding in the restoration of the database.

Working Principles:

  1. Datafile Header Manipulation:
    • The primary principle behind DSR's operation is manipulating Oracle datafile headers. By modifying certain header values like the checkpoint SCN, DSR helps to overcome inconsistencies that prevent a database from starting up or functioning correctly.
  2. Command-line Interface:
    • DSR operates through a command-line interface, providing a suite of commands for precise control over datafile header values and other datafile properties. This CLI approach allows for targeted interventions to resolve specific issues with Oracle datafiles.

Technical Details:

  • DSR provides a variety of commands to handle different aspects of datafile and database management, including setting/checking values like the checkpoint SCN, creation SCN, database ID, and more.
  • It also offers commands for block-level operations, marking datafile blocks as corrupt, summing datafile blocks, and more, providing a comprehensive toolkit for database administrators in the recovery and maintenance of Oracle databases.


DbShuiRi (DSR) is a powerful tool for Oracle database administrators, offering a granular level of control over datafile headers, which are crucial for the operation and recovery of Oracle databases. Through a set of well-defined commands, DSR facilitates the manipulation of key datafile attributes, aiding in the recovery of databases from various error states and corruption scenarios.

$ dsr
dbshuri tool for quick fix oracle datafile
Copyright (c) 2013, 2023, DBRECOVER.COM.  All rights reserved.
Free for personal use; commercial users need a license.

dsr [command]

Available Commands:
backuphdr   backup datafile header
ckpscn      set checkpoint scn for datafile
completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
copy        copy block
copyany     copyany block
crsscn      set creation scn for datafile
crt         set crt for a datafile
csq         set csq for a datafile
cvn         Set cvn
damage1     damage a file
damage2     damage a file
dbi         set dbid for datafile
dbname      set dbname for datafile
dbv         check a datafile
edit        edit ub4 datafile
fill        fill a datafile with size
fitsize     set fit size
fno         set fno for a datafile
fsz         set fsz for a datafile
fuzz        set fuzz for datafile
guess       guess block size
hdr         show datafile header content
help        Help about any command
initfake    initfake for a datafile
makerdba    make rdba
markcorrupt markcorrupt datafile
mt          make template
parserdba   Parse Rdba
rdba        set rdba for datafile
register    register license key
restorehdr  restore datafile header from backup
rfn         set rfn for a datafile
rlc         set resetlogs counter for datafile
rlsscn      set resetlogs scn for datafile
rt          read Template
sum         sum datafile
sumapply    sumapply datafile 10
test        test
tsn         set tsn for datafile
tsname      set tsname for datafile
version     Print version info
wt          write template

--blocksize int   The BLOCKSIZE can be 8192,16384,32768.
--endian string   The ENDIAN can be BIG,LITTLE.
-h, --help            help for dsr

Use "dsr [command] --help" for more information about a command.

CASE 1 Lost Current Redo Log File

SQL> alter database open;
alter database open
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00313: open failed for members of log group 3 of thread 1
ORA-00312: online log 3 thread 1:
ORA-27037: unable to obtain file status
Linux-x86_64 Error: 2: No such file or directory
Additional information: 3

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
alter database open resetlogs
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01139: RESETLOGS option only valid after an incomplete database recovery

SQL> recover database until cancel;
ORA-00279: change 1361398 generated at 08/21/2023 06:23:38 needed for thread 1
ORA-00289: suggestion : /d02/fra/OLTP/archivelog/2023_08_21/o1_mf_1_36_%u_.arc
ORA-00280: change 1361398 for thread 1 is in sequence #36

Specify log: {<RET>=suggested | filename | AUTO | CANCEL}
ORA-01547: warning: RECOVER succeeded but OPEN RESETLOGS would get error below
ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
ORA-01110: data file 1:

ORA-01112: media recovery not started

SQL> alter database open resetlogs;
alter database open resetlogs
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-01194: file 1 needs more recovery to be consistent
ORA-01110: data file 1:

in this case , we don't need "_allow_resetlogs_corruption" anymore :

$ dsr dbv /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf
auto detected endian is LITTLE ENDIAN
auto detected block size is 8192

block count is 98560
valid block count is 98560
invalid block count is 0
empty block count is 0
max scn is  0x0000.0x0014c779 (1361785)

max scn in system01.dbf is 1361785, let us set checkpoint scn to 1561785

SQL> set linesize 300 pagesize 2000
SQL> select 'dsr ckpscn 1561785 '|| name from v$datafile;

dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_ld9rh41t_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_ld9rh429_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_users_ld9rh42y_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /tmp/example.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_t16_lf90hg78_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_t32_lf90l09j_.dbf

run above script generated by SQL:

dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_sysaux_ld9rh41t_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_undotbs1_ld9rh429_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_users_ld9rh42y_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /tmp/example.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_t16_lf90hg78_.dbf
dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_t32_lf90l09j_.dbf

example output:

[oracle@ora7 r]$ dsr ckpscn 1561785 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf
auto detected endian is LITTLE ENDIAN
auto detected block size is 8192

old bas 1562450 old wrp 0
updating scn from 0x0000.0x0017d752 (1562450) to 0x0000.0x0017d4b9 (1561785)
Backup created at absolute Path: /home/oracle/r/backup/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf_20230821063521
restore command : dsr restorehdr /home/oracle/r/backup/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf_20230821063521 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf
setting fuzz status kcvfhsta @138 from 0x2004 to 0x2000
backup file backup/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf_20230821063521 exists , will skip backup again

========================================> BLOCK SUMMARY <========================================

on disk chkval  is 0x1afe		compute chkval  is 0x1afe		chkval  is ok!
on disk tailchk is 0x00000b01		compute tailchk is 0x00000b01		tailchk is ok!
rdba is 0x00400001 ( FILE 1 BLOCK 1 )
looks like a valid datafile header block
ckp scn:          1561785 	(0x0000 , 0x0017d4b9)
rls scn:          1561786 	(0x0000 , 0x0017d4ba)
crs scn:                7 	(0x0000 , 0x00000007)
db_name: 		 OLTP
dbid: 			 1723319014 (0x66b7c2e6)
type_kcbh:		 0x0b
frmt_kcbh:		 0xa2
kccfhswv:		 0x00000000	software format version number
kccfhcvn:		 0x0b200400	compatibility control
ts_name: 		 SYSTEM
TSN: 			 0
fuzz: 			 0x2000
rfn: 			 1
fno: 			 1
kcvfhcrt		 CREATION TIME: 0x3121c97d ( 1996-02-14 06:37:33 -0500 EST )
kcvfhrlc: 		 0x4445da03
kccfhcsq: 		 0x000010ce
kcvfhccc: 		 0x000000b7
kcvcptim: 		 0x4445da12 ( 2006-04-19 02:34:58 -0400 EDT )
kcvfhcpc: 		 0x000000b8
kccfhfsz		 FILE SIZE: 0x00017700 = 96000 blocks * 8192 = 750 MB = 786432000 bytes
real size should be 	 786440192 according to the file header
file real size: 	 786440192 bytes = 750 MB = 96000 blocks * 8192 + 1 * 8192 offset + 0 bytes
file block count is ok
ZeroBlock indicates block size is 0x2000 = 8192
ZeroBlock indicates block count is 0x00017700 = 96000

=============================>random sample 10 data blocks from file<============================

    offset:        673669120	rdba:	0x0041413b	file    1	block    82235
    offset:        613384192	rdba:	0x0041247c	file    1	block    74876
    offset:        679313408	rdba:	0x004143ec	file    1	block    82924
    offset:        164225024	rdba:	0x00404e4f	file    1	block    20047
    offset:        286752768	rdba:	0x004088bc	file    1	block    35004
    offset:        225927168	rdba:	0x00406bbb	file    1	block    27579
    offset:        494739456	rdba:	0x0040ebe9	file    1	block    60393
    offset:        342908928	rdba:	0x0040a383	file    1	block    41859
    offset:        404561920	rdba:	0x0040c0e9	file    1	block    49385
    offset:        394993664	rdba:	0x0040bc59	file    1	block    48217

recreate controlfile and open database :

sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF

shutdown abort;
startup nomount;
alter system set undo_management=manual scope=spfile;
startup force nomount;
GROUP 1 '/opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/onlinelog/o1_mf_1_ld9robr2_.log'  SIZE 50M BLOCKSIZE 512,
GROUP 2 '/opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/onlinelog/o1_mf_2_ld9rohx6_.log'  SIZE 50M BLOCKSIZE 512,
GROUP 3 '/opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/onlinelog/o1_mf_3_ld9ronjn_.log'  SIZE 50M BLOCKSIZE 512

Control file created.


Database altered.

alter tablespace TEMP add tempfile SIZE 500M ;

Tablespace altered.

select count(*) from dba_tables;


create table ttt(t1 int);

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-08102: index key not found, obj# 39, file 1, block 54783 (2)

create undo tablespace UNDOZ1 datafile size 500M;

Tablespace created.

alter system set undo_management=AUTO scope=spfile;

System altered.

alter system set undo_tablespace=UNDOZ1 scope=spfile;

System altered.

shutdown immediate;



everytime dsr edits a datafile , it will backup the datafile header to a file named like this:

old bas 1361398 old wrp 157876224
updating scn from 0x9690000.0x0014c5f6 (678073218897331702) to 0x0000.0x0017d4b9 (1561785)
Backup created at absolute Path: /home/oracle/r/backup/o1_mf_t16_lf90hg78_.dbf_20230821063343
restore command : dsr restorehdr /home/oracle/r/backup/o1_mf_t16_lf90hg78_.dbf_20230821063343 /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_t16_lf90hg78_.dbf

CASE 2 Oracle Datafile Damaged by Malware/Ransomware -- devos

We need repair the datafile header , and then recover the database.

We will fake a datafile header first , and then change some parameter .

  1. initfake : initialize a fake datafile header
  2. rfn : set rfn for a datafile
  3. fno : set fno for a datafile
  4. tsn : set TS$.TS# for a datafile
  5. tsname : set TS$.NAME for a datafile
  6. crsscn : set crsscn for a datafile
  7. fitsize : make datafile header fit to the real size
  8. ckpscn : set checkpoint scn for a datafile


 dsr initfake sysaux.Devos
 dsr initfake appdata5.Devos
 dsr initfake appdata4.Devos
 dsr initfake appdata3.Devos
 dsr initfake appdata2.Devos
 dsr initfake appdata1.Devos
 dsr initfake users01.Devos
 dsr initfake undotbs1.Devos
 dsr initfake system.Devos
 dsr fno  1        system.Devos
 dsr rfn  1        system.Devos
 dsr tsn  0        system.Devos
 dsr tsname SYSTEM system.Devos
 dsr crsscn 7      system.Devos
 dsr fitsize       system.Devos
 dsr fno  2         sysaux.Devos
 dsr rfn  2         sysaux.Devos
 dsr tsn  1         sysaux.Devos
 dsr tsname SYSAUX  sysaux.Devos
 dsr crsscn 1835       sysaux.Devos
 dsr fitsize        sysaux.Devos
 dsr fno  3        undotbs1.Devos
 dsr rfn  3        undotbs1.Devos
 dsr tsn  2        undotbs1.Devos
 dsr tsname UNDOTBS1  undotbs1.Devos
 dsr crsscn 894817      undotbs1.Devos
 dsr fitsize       undotbs1.Devos
 dsr fno  5        appdata1.Devos
 dsr rfn  5        appdata1.Devos
 dsr tsn  6        appdata1.Devos
 dsr tsname APPDATA appdata1.Devos
 dsr crsscn 942964      appdata1.Devos
 dsr fitsize       appdata1.Devos
 dsr fno  6          appdata2.Devos
 dsr rfn  6          appdata2.Devos
 dsr tsn  6          appdata2.Devos
 dsr tsname APPDATA  appdata2.Devos
 dsr crsscn 943286        appdata2.Devos
 dsr fitsize         appdata2.Devos
 dsr fno  7        appdata3.Devos
 dsr rfn  7        appdata3.Devos
 dsr tsn  6        appdata3.Devos
 dsr tsname APPDATA appdata3.Devos
 dsr crsscn 943555      appdata3.Devos
 dsr fitsize       appdata3.Devos
 dsr fno  8        appdata4.Devos
 dsr rfn  8        appdata4.Devos
 dsr tsn  6        appdata4.Devos
 dsr tsname APPDATA appdata4.Devos
 dsr crsscn 943834     appdata4.Devos
 dsr fitsize       appdata4.Devos
 dsr fno  9        appdata5.Devos
 dsr rfn  9        appdata5.Devos
 dsr tsn  6        appdata5.Devos
 dsr tsname APPDATA appdata5.Devos
 dsr crsscn 944272     appdata5.Devos
 dsr fitsize       appdata5.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 sysaux.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 appdata5.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 appdata4.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 appdata3.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 appdata2.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 appdata1.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 users01.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 undotbs1.Devos
 dsr ckpscn 1366772141 system.Devos
 sqlplus / as sysdba  <<EOF
 shutdown abort;
 startup nomount;
 create spfile from pfile;
 shutdown abort;
 startup nomount;
 alter system set undo_management=MANUAL scope=spfile;
 shutdown abort;
 startup nomount;
 alter tablespace temp add tempfile '/d02/devos/temp01.dbf' size 500M reuse;
 exp \'\/ as sysdba\' file=\/dev\/null volsize=2000g owner=HDappdataHQS,HDappdataCTS
 sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF
 shutdown abort;

Case 3 Oracle Datafile Damaged by Malware/Ransomware -- eking

cd /d02/ek/
rm -rf *.eking
7za x rs.zip

#dsr mt /opt/oracle/oradata/OLTP/datafile/o1_mf_system_ld9rh3yb_.dbf

dsr initfake sysaux.eking
dsr initfake system.eking
dsr initfake undo.eking
dsr initfake appdata.eking

dsr fuzz 0x2000   system.eking
dsr fno  1        system.eking
dsr rfn  1        system.eking
dsr tsn  0        system.eking
dsr tsname SYSTEM system.eking
dsr crsscn 7      system.eking
dsr fitsize       system.eking

dsr fuzz 0x0000   sysaux.eking
dsr fno  2        sysaux.eking
dsr rfn  2        sysaux.eking
dsr tsn  1        sysaux.eking
dsr tsname SYSAUX sysaux.eking
dsr crsscn 2160   sysaux.eking
dsr fitsize       sysaux.eking

dsr fuzz 0x0000      undo.eking
dsr fno  3           undo.eking
dsr rfn  3           undo.eking
dsr tsn  2           undo.eking
dsr tsname UNDOTBS1  undo.eking
dsr crsscn 944668    undo.eking
dsr fitsize          undo.eking

dsr fuzz 0x0000       appdata.eking
dsr fno  5            appdata.eking
dsr rfn  5            appdata.eking
dsr tsn  6            appdata.eking
dsr tsname APPDATA    appdata.eking
dsr crsscn 1029269    appdata.eking
dsr fitsize           appdata.eking

dsr ckpscn 19368619  sysaux.eking
dsr ckpscn 19368619  system.eking
dsr ckpscn 19368619  undo.eking
dsr ckpscn 19368619  appdata.eking

chmod 777 *.eking

sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF
shutdown abort;
startup nomount;


alter tablespace temp add tempfile '/d02/ek/temp01.dbf' size 500M reuse;


exp \'\/ as sysdba\' file=\/dev\/null volsize=2000g owner=appdataS

sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF
shutdown abort;