
database using the ping protocol

Primary LanguageC


run make piDB && ./piDB in sudo-mode.

  • write to the database: write {your text}
    the text is automatically distributed to more than one packet if required (only 34 data bytes per packet) \
  • to read from the database: read {id}
    If the packet does not exist according to the index-packets, the user will be informed. If the packet exists according to the index-packets, but was lost due to other reasons, the program will search forever :(
  • to delete from the database: delete {id}
    drops the packet if it is encountered and deletes the reference from the according index packet. One needs to be careful when deleting index-packets, since deleting them does not result in deleting the referenced data-packets as well

To display the log, open a different terminal and execute tail -f log.txt


Many, including:

  1. some how packets seem to duplicate / be sent very often in a row, this extremely slows down reading -> only occurs when using targets other than localhost
  2. updating packets theoretically works but is not callable from stdin yet
  3. not enough slow but reliable servers