SHMIDIKit is a lightweight MIDI framework for iOS and macOS, create virtual MIDI source, parse data into MIDI packet and send them out to DAWs.

Primary LanguageMakefileMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight MIDI framework for iOS and macOS


SHMIDKit is written in Swift 4.2, so your code has to be written in Swift 4.x due to current binary compatibility limitations.


To use CocoaPods add SHMIDIKit to your Podfile:

pod 'SHMIDIKit'

Then run pod install.


Import SHMIDIKit to your project

import SHMIDIKit

Get the MIDIHandler singleton

let midiHandler = MIDIHandler.shared

Create a virtual midi source and send out a MIDI message

let midiHandler = MIDIHandler.shared
// create a virtual MIDI source
// send message to the first midi channal
let channel: UInt8 = 0
// note number for middle C
let noteNumber: UInt8 = 60
// velocity (0 - 127)
let velocity: UInt8 = 90
// send the noteOn message out
midiHandler.sendNoteOn(channel: channel, noteNumber: noteNumber, velocity: velocity)

Send out a pitchbend message

let midiHandler = MIDIHandler.shared
// create a virtual MIDI source
// Value for pitchbend: 0 = Lowest position, 64 = Middle position, 127=Highest Position
midiHandler.sendPitchBend(value: 127)

Send out a sequence of control message

let midiHandler = MIDIHandler.shared
// create a virtual MIDI source
// get the cc number for Pan
let pan = MIDIController.Pan.rawValue
// Pan your sound to the left
midiHandler.sendControlMessage(cc: pan, value: 0)
// Wait a second
// Pan your sound to the right
midiHandler.sendControlMessage(cc: pan, value: 127)
// Return your pan to the middle
midiHandler.sendControlMessage(cc: pan, value: 64)
