
UI for Voltz Protocol. The code behind the interface @ https://app.voltz.xyz

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Powering Voltz UI and beyond!!!

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voltz-ui is a frontend repository powered by React. It is the home of all the pages and components that provide the UI/UX for app.voltz.xyz.

Statements Branches Functions Lines
Statements Branches Functions Lines


  1. Run yarn
  2. Ensure that you have a .env file in the voltz-ui directory with the following:



REACT_APP_REQUIRED_ETHEREUM_NETWORK is used by the app to check that the connected Metamask wallet is using the correct network. Use homestead for Ethereum Mainnet (live), or goerli for Kovan Testnet (dev).

REACT_APP_WALLETCONNECT_INFURA_ID is used by the app when attempting to use the WalletConnect wallet option. Sign up for an account at https://infura.io/ and then create a new project. The 'infura id' is the same as the 'project id' in the keys section.

REACT_APP_TOS_URL This is the URL displayed in the terms of service (TOS) message that users must agree to before they can connect their wallet to the app.

REACT_APP_TRM_API_KEY This key is used to get a risk assessment from TRM for a wallet that is being connected to the app. If you don't have an API key, you will need to disable wallet screening to able to use your wallet.

REACT_APP_SKIP_TOS_CHECK If this key exists, the app will not check that the user has agreed to the terms of service (TOS). It is intended to be used on dev/test environments.

REACT_APP_SKIP_WALLET_SCREENING If this key exists, the app will not check if the wallet is deemed risky (via TRM). It is intended to be used on dev/test environments.

REACT_APP_WHITELIST This key contains a subset of all deployed pools as a comma separated list of IDs. This subset should be visible in the production Voltz front-end. If you want to remove a pool from the production front-end remove it from this key, please.

REACT_APP_ROLLOVER_VALIDATE_ONLY If this is set, rollover operations will have the validateOnly flag set to true. This can be useful for testing / debugging.


  1. Run yarn start

Testing local version of SDK using yalc

Refer to documentation of this process found in README.md of SDK. Follow this link for details.


Branching model

UI needs to be available on both https://test.voltz.xyz and https://app.voltz.xyz at same time with different version of code. Hence, we need to have 2 branches each representing the env. we deploy to. main branch relates to app.voltz.xyz aka production and develop branch relates to test.voltz.xyz aka test.

In the UI world you should branch off develop when building a feature. So just go on develop, pull latest and then branch out of it. Create your PR against develop.

The main branch is just a snapshot of develop at given point in time, so no need to do any developing against main, and we just simple merge develop to main whenever we want to do a release.

Branch naming is quite standard, we tried to duplicate what we have done for the committing messages, following standard commit message format: [https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/].

Branch names can start with the prefixes found in the regex under '.husky/pre-commit'.

Short summary:


  • create a branch from develop, follow the naming convention for a branch
  • wait for approval, resolve comments and make sure you have a green build
  • merge to develop using Rebase and merge


This section explains the process of creating a release candidate branch out of current develop and main.

Important: Make sure you have no changes on develop or main!

Short version:

At the root of repository, execute:

    FEATURE='my-release-feature' yarn git:create-release-branch

Long version:

  • create a branch from develop
    • name it release/my-release-feature (important since this branch will create AWS Amplify env. where you can test your build before you merge/release it!)
    • add proper description! Important since this will be automatically included in the merge commit message
    • good practice is to include the release date into branch name for visibility, in the format YYYYMMDD
  • git merge main to that branch
    • if any conflicts, resolve them by accepting all changes from release/YYYYMMDD
  • create a PR against main
  • wait for approval, resolve comments and make sure you have a green build
  • merge to main using Create a merge commit

AWS Amplify

Voltz UI uses AWS Amplify to create automate the process around creating builds that can be shared with the stakeholders. What this means is that any push to a branch will create an environment for the team to test against!


Environment branches (main & develop)

  • merges to branch main always deploy to app.voltz.xyz with ENV variables specific for main
  • merges to branch develop always deploy to test.voltz.xyz with ENV variables specific for develop

Candidate branches:

  • commits on branches that follow the pattern feat/*, fix/*, chore/*, refactor/* and test/* generate a build with same ENV variables as develop
  • commits on branches that follow the pattern release/* generate a build with same ENV variables as main


Helpful tools to install to improve your development life!

For local development purposes it is advised to install Metamask wallet. You can install the Google Chrome extension for this. Once you have the wallet setup you should enable the test networks for the Metamask wallet Account Settings -> Advanced -> Show test networks. Next time around you want to test on localhost, just select the goerli test network from your wallet.

Terms & Conditions

The Voltz Protocol, and any products or services associated therewith, is offered only to persons (aged 18 years or older) or entities who are not residents of, citizens of, are incorporated in, owned or controlled by a person or entity in, located in, or have a registered office or principal place of business in any “Restricted Territory.”

The term Restricted Territory includes the United States of America (including its territories), Algeria, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Belarus, Myanmar (Burma), Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast), Egypt, Republic of Crimea, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia, Libya, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Venezuela, Yemen, Zimbabwe; or any jurisdictions in which the sale of cryptocurrencies are prohibited, restricted or unauthorized in any form or manner whether in full or in part under the laws, regulatory requirements or rules in such jurisdiction; or any state, country, or region that is subject to sanctions enforced by the United States, such as the Specially Designed Nationals and Blocked Persons List (“SDN List”) and Consolidated Sanctions List (“Non-SDN Lists”), the United Kingdom, or the European Union.