
# This is a Covid-19 Chronological Visualization made in Python using the Pandas and Plotly libraries.

Primary LanguagePython


This is a Covid-19 Chronological Visualization made in Python using the Pandas and Plotly libraries. The program creates a Choropleth map of the world, ranging in color white to dark-red based on countries having 0 cases to 500,000+ respectively.

The data is sourced from John Hopkins University using their CSSE COVID-19 dataset on Github. I used Pandas to load their "time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv" file to dataframe and to format it. Then, I used Plotly Express in order to map the data and create a visualization by the date in order to track the progression of the virus.


Instructions: Simply hover over the country and the data will show up in a box. You can also use the bar at the bottom to change the date and track the spread over time!

To Do:

  • Let the program automatically update the dataset every day
  • Add more visualizations for the total recovered cases and total deaths by country
  • Create a heatmap of the virus' spread