
NetworkChecker is a plugin for Minecraft servers. This plugin sends player ping data to a Python bot at regular intervals and checks if the bot is running. It also provides various configuration settings and customizable messages.


  • Ping Data Sending: Sends player ping data at regular intervals to a specified IP address and port.
  • Reload Command: /networkchecker reload command to reload configuration settings without restarting the server.
  • Message Customization: Support for customizable messages via the messages.yml file.


  1. Download the NetworkChecker plugin here.
  2. Upload the downloaded .jar file to the plugins directory of your Minecraft server.
  3. Start or restart your server.



The following settings can be configured in the config.yml file:

  ip: ""         # IP address of the bot
  port: 25567             # Port of the bot
  interval: 300           # Interval for sending ping data (in seconds)


The following messages can be configured in the messages.yml file:

  reload_success: "&aSettings successfully reloaded!"
  reload_fail: "&cAn error occurred while reloading settings!"


/networkchecker reload

This command reloads the config.yml and messages.yml files and updates the plugin's configuration.

Example Usage

  1. After starting the server, edit your configuration files (config.yml and messages.yml).
  2. Update the interval value in the config.yml file to change how frequently ping data is sent.
  3. Use the /networkchecker reload command to apply your changes.


  1. Connection Issues: If you can't connect to the bot, ensure that the IP address and port settings are correct. Also, make sure the bot is running and listening on the correct port.
  2. Configuration Errors: Ensure your configuration files are formatted correctly. Errors can be checked with log messages printed to the console.