
Download/browse movies from YIFY Torrents in a few clicks!

Primary LanguageC++

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Download/browse movies from YIFY Torrents (https://yts.mx). Please note that you need to know the FULL CORRECT movie title, otherwise it won't find it, the movie year can be parsed from Google, though sometimes this can cause problems, for example if you're trying to browse a movie series.

It's a torrent-site parser, woah! I'm talking now about https://yts.mx aka YIFY Torrents. This program gives you an opportunity to view the movie info, download the torrent file & subtitles really quick, it also can be hidden into tray. It eats ~25-30 MB of RAM, so it's pretty compact. This program is written in C++ with using of CLI/CLR features.


Just start "yts-viewer.exe", the interface is very intuitive so you will sort it out quickly. When you trying to close the program within "x" button it just hides into tray, to close it completely right-click on the tray icon & click "Exit" button.


If you have any errors when starting the program, first of all try to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package 2012, if it didn't help contact me for troubleshooting/fix.


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