
A .net package to wrap the BlockCypher Api. you can create wallet, get balance and transaction info. (Btc, Btc Testnet3, Ltc, Dash, Doge supported).

Primary LanguageC#

.NET Generic badge

Block Cypher

A .net library application to wrap the BlockCypher Explorer web service.

How to use?

At first, you need an Api token from BlockCypher, Then in .Net:

Install-Package BlockCypher.Api

Quick start

var blockCypher = new BlockCypherClient("YOUR_TOKEN");
var wallet = blockCypher.CreateAsync(); // Btc - mainnet

wallet => { PrivateKey, PublicKey, Address, Wif }

var addressInfo = await blockCypher.GetInfoByAddress(wallet.Address);

addressInfo => { Balance, TotalSent, TotalReceived, UnconfirmedBalance, TransactionHistory, UnconfirmedTransactionHistory }