*New Bot For Manage Your SuperGroups.
BlackPlus Uses "Anticrash" & "Autolaunch" To Be Active All The Time
- کد زیر را در ترمینال وارد کنید.
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev autoconf -y --force-yes && git clone https://github.com/mehdi-hs/BlackPlus.git && cd BlackPlus && chmod +x launch.sh && ./launch.sh install && ./launch.sh
2.بعد از چند دقیقه ربات از شما شماره ای میگیره که روبات روی اون نصب شه... بعد از وارد کردن شماره و وارد کردن کد در صورتی ربات در اکانت مورد نظر نصب شد ترمینال را ببندید و ترمینال جدید باز کنید سپس دستور زیر را بزنید...
cd BlackPlus
دقت کنید که در دستور بالا حرف سی و پی رو کپتال بنویسید که اررور نده بعد این کد رو بزنید
screen ./blackplus.sh
بعد از چند ثانیه ربات ران میشه
برای سودو کردن خودتون هم در پوشه دیتا فیل کافیگ رو ادیت کنید و در قسمت سودو یوزر ایدی عددی خودتون رو بنویسید
هر هفته میتوانید با دستور های زیر جدید ترین پلاگین ها و آپدیت هارو دریافت کنید.
اول در ترمینال دستور زیر را تایپ کنید
cd BlackPlus
سپس این دستور را وارد کنید.
git pull
- A powerful antispam system with custom sensitivity for each group
- Multiple realms (admin groups)
- Recalcitrant to any kind of spamming (X/Y bots, name/photo changers, etc.)
- Global banning
- Broadcast to all groups
- Group and links
- Kick, ban and unban by reply
- Groups, ban and global ban list
- Logging anything that happens in a group
- Invitation by username
- Group administration via private messages
- Only mods, owner and admin can add bots in groups
- Arabic lock
- Lock TGService
- Lock Link
- Lock Flood/Spam
- Lock Persian
- Lock Member
- Lock Sticker
- Lock Contacts
- Public On|Off
- Mute Audio
- Mute Photo
- Mute All
- Mute Video
- Mute Gifs
- Mute Dacuments
- Mute Text
- Tagall
- AntiCrash
- AutoLaunch
- Qr Code Maker
- Kick By Reply
- Sticker To Image
- Image To Sticker
- Text to voice (# Debuged)
- Advanced ID Plugin
- Set PassWord For SuperGroups/Groups
- Show Your Uptime Bot
- Intagram Plugin
- Aparat Plugin
- Text To Sticker Plugin
- Send Group request
- inv bot sudo in SuperGroups
- Chat list
- And more!
BlackPlus has several commands that are only usable at certain ranks.
Command | Description |
[#!/]id | Returns group/SuperGroup ID & more or user id in pm. |
[#!/]black | Returns bot information. |
Command | Description |
[#!/]help | Returns help text. |
[#!/]superhelp | Returns SuperGroup help text. |
[#!/]chats | Returns public chats in a message(s). |
[#!/]chatlist | Returns public chats in a .txt document. |
[#!/]join [GroupID] | Join a public chat by id |
Command | Description | Groups? | SuperGroups? |
[#!/]info | Returns general info about the SuperGroup. | N | Y |
[#!/]admins | Returns SuperGroup admins list. | N | Y |
[#!/]modlist | Returns Moderator list. | Y | Y |
[#!/]owner | Returns group/SuperGroup owner. Can be used by any user | Y | Y |
[#!/]bots | Lists bots in SuperGroup. | N | Y |
[#!/]who | Lists all users in group *SuperGroup returns .txt document list. | Y | Y |
[#!/]wholist | Lists all users in group in .txt document. | Y | N |
[#!/]block | Kicks a user from SuperGroup Adds user to blocked list. | N | Y |
[#!/]kick | kicks user from group. | Y | N |
[#!/]ban | Bans user from the group/SuperGroup. | Y | Y |
[#!/]unban | Unbans user from group/SuperGroup. | Y | Y |
[#!/]id [username|reply] | For userID's: !id @username (ONLY IN SuperSroups) or reply !id in any group. |
Y | Y |
[#!/]id from | Returns ID of user a message is forwarded from. | N | Y |
[#!/]kickme | Kicks user from SuperGroup / In SuperGroup: Must be unblocked by owner or use #join by pm to return |
Y | Y |
[#!/]setowner | Sets group/SuperGroup owner. | Y | Y |
[#!/]promote | Promote a group/SuperGroup moderator. | Y | Y |
[#!/]demote | Demote a group/SuperGroup moderator. | Y | Y |
[#!/]setname | Set group/SuperGroup name. | Y | Y |
[#!/]setphoto | Set group/SuperGroup photo. | Y | Y |
[#!/]setrules | Set group/SuperGroup rules. | Y | Y |
[#!/]setabout | Sets the about section in chat info(members list) | N | Y |
[#!/]set about | Y | N | |
[#!/]save [value] | Sets extra info for group/SuperGroup by value. | Y | Y |
[#!/]get [value] | Returns extra info for group/SuperGroup by value. | Y | Y |
[#!/]newlink | Generate a new group/SuperGroup link. | Y | Y |
[#!/]setlink | Set a new SuperGroup link If bot is not creator. | N | Y |
[#!/]link | Retrieves the group/SuperGroup link. | Y | Y |
[#!/]rules | Retrieves the group/SuperGroup rules. | Y | Y |
[#!/]lock setting | Lock group/SuperGroup settings. | Y | Y |
[#!/]unlock setting | Unlock group/SuperGroup. | Y | Y |
[#!/]mute mute | mute group message types. | Y | Y |
[#!/]unmute mute | unmute group message types. | Y | Y |
[#!/]setflood value | Set [value] as flood sensitivity. | Y | Y |
[#!/]muteuser [username|id|reply] | Mute and unmute a user in chat. If a muted user posts a message, the message is deleted automaically only owners can mute | mods and owners can unmute | Y | Y |
[#!/]mutelist | Returns list of muted users in group/SuperGroup. | Y | Y |
[#!/]muteslist | Returns mutes for group/SuperGroup. | Y | Y |
[#!/]settings | Returns a list of group/SuperGroup settings. | Y | Y |
[#!/]stats | Returns simple message statistics in a .txt document. | Y | Y |
[#!/]statslist | Returns simple message statistics in a message. | Y | Y |
[#!/]banlist | Returns group/SuperGroup banlist. | Y | Y |
[#!/]clean [rules|about|modlist|mutelist] | Clears rules, about, modlist, or mutelist | Y | Y |
[#!/]del | Deletes a message by reply. | N | Y |
[#!/]tosticker | Conv Photo To sticker | Y | Y |
[#!/]tophoto | Conv sticker To photo | Y | Y |
[#!/]vc | Conv text To voice | Y | Y |
[#!/]qr [your text | link...] | Y | |
[#!/]tosticker | Conv Photo To sticker | Y | Y |
[#!/]aparat [text] | Search your text in aparat | Y | Y |
[#!/]tosticker | Conv Photo To sticker | Y | Y |
[#!/]webshot [url] | Y | Y | |
[#!/]version | show bot version | Y | Y |
[#!/]reqgp | send Request to admin for create group | Y | Y |
[#!/]black | show bot info | Y | Y |
[#!/]res [username] | Returns users name and id by username. | Y | Y |
[#!/]log | Returns group logs.In SuperGroups: Search for kick reasons using [#RTL|#spam|#lockmember] | Y | Y |
Command | Description | groups/SuperGroups? | In private? |
[#!/]muteuser [username|id|reply] | Mute and unmute a user in chat.If a muted user posts a message, the message is deleted automaically / only owners can mute / mods and owners can unmute | N | |
[#!/]owners [GroupID] [kick|ban|unban] [UserID] | Kick, ban, or unban a user from a group by GroupID and UserID. | N | Y |
[#!/]owners [GroupID] clean [modlist|rules|about] | Clear options by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]owners [GroupID] setflood [value] | Set flood for a group by GroupID and a value [1-5]. | N | Y |
[#!/]owners [GroupID] lock [setting] | Lock settings for a group by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]owner [GroupID] unlock [setting] | Unlock settings for a group by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]owners [GroupID] new link | Create a new group link by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]owners [GroupID] get link | Returns group link by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]changename [GroupID] [name] | Change a group's name by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]changrules [GroupID] [rules] | Change a group's rules by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]changeabout [GroupID] [about] | Change a group's about by GroupID. | N | Y |
[#!/]loggroup [GroupID] | get group logs by GroupID. | N | Y |
Command | Description | Groups? | SuperGroups? | Realms? |
[#!/]cgp [Name] | Create a group and add it to moderation.json. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]createrealm [Name] | Create a realm and remove it from moderation.json. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]add | Add a group to moderation.json. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]rem | Remove a group from moderation.json. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]rem [GroupID] | Remove a group from moderation by GroupID. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]setname [Name] | Set realm name. | N | -- | Y |
[#!/]setabout [group|sgroup] [GroupID] [Text] | Set a group's about text. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]setrules [group|sgroup] [GroupID] [Text] | Set a group's rules. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]lock [GroupID] [setting] | Lock a group's setting. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]lock [GroupID] [setting] | Lock a group's setting. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]unlock [GroupID] [setting] | Unlock a group's setting. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]who | Get a list of members in group/realm. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]wholist | Get a .txt document list of members in group/realm. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]type | Get group type. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]addlog | Add a Log_SuperGroup for GBan log. | N | Y | N |
[#!/]remlog | Remove a Log_SuperGroup for GBan log. | N | Y | N |
[#!/]kill chat [GroupID] | Kick all users and remove a group from moderation. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]kill realm [RealmID] | Kick all users and remove a realm from moderation. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]banall [id|usename] | Ban a user from all moderated groups where bot is an admin (#global_ban) | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]unbanall [id|usename] | Unban a user from all moderated groups where bot is an admin (#global_ban) | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]gbanlist [id|usename] | Returns a list of all globally banned user | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]list groups | Returns a list of all groups. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]list realms | Returns a list of all realms. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]whitelist | User/Bot will not be subject to message checks. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]support | Promote user to support. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]-support | deomote user from support. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]pm [UserID] | Sends a private message to a user by UserID. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]import | Bot joins a group by GroupLink. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]markread [on|off] | Toggle bot to doubble check or not doubble check messages. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]contactlist | Bot will generate a list of all it's contacts***and send it by private message of command sender | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]dialoglist | Bot will generate a list of all it's private message users***and send it by private message of command sender | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]delcontact | Delete bot contact. | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]reload | Reloads all bot plugins | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]!bc [GroupID] [text] | This command will send text to [GroupID] | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]leave | Bot will leave that group and can only be re-invited by an admin with bot phone number | Y | Y | Y |
[#!/]mp | (Mod Promote) Set user as a mod of supergroup. TESTING | N | Y | N |
[#!/]md | (Mod demote) Removes user from mod of supergroup. TESTING | N | Y | N |
Command | Groups? | SuperGroups? | Realms? |
[#!/]addadmin [id|username] | Set a user as bot admin. | Y | Y |
[#!/]removeadmin [id|username] | Remove a user from bot admin. | Y | Y |
Command | Groups? | SuperGroups? |
[#!/](un)lock links | Y | Y |
[#!/](un)lock flood | Y | Y |
[#!/]setflood [5-20] | Y | Y |
[#!/](un)lock bots | Y | N |
[#!/](un)lock spam | Y | Y |
[#!/](un)lock arabic | Y | Y |
[#!/](un)lock member | Y | Y |
[#!/](un)lock leave | Y | N |
[#!/](un)lock RTL | Y | Y |
[#!/](un)lock tgservice | N | Y |
[#!/](un)lock sticker | Y | Y |
[#!/]public [yes|no] | Y | Y |
[#!/](un)lock strict | N | Y |
/lock [setting] and /unlock [setting]: sets allowed actions and content for groups/SuperGroups /lock strict in a supergroup, if strict is locked users will be kicked for violations of settings or mutes
/public [yes|no]: Set group/SuperGroup visibility in pm !chats
or !chatlist
Command |
[#!/]mute audio |
[#!/]mute video |
[#!/]mute photo |
[#!/]mute documents |
[#!/]mute gifs |
[#!/]mute all |
Groups: If "muted" message type: user is kicked if message type is posted
**SuperGroups: A "muted" message type is auto-deleted if posted **
Rank | Description |
Banned | Cannot enter the group(s). |
User | Default rank. |
Moderator | Can set settings and kick/ban/unban users from a group. Can unmute users. |
Owner | Can mute users. Can promote/demote moderators. Can set SuperGroup admins. |
Support | Can globally unban users. Acts as owner of all groups. |
Administrator | Can globally ban/unban users. Can promote/demote owners. |
Sudo | Can add[#!/]remove groups. Can broadcast. Can promote/demote administrators. |
Each higher status inherits the privileges of the lower status.
**You can use "#", "!", or "/" to begin all commands
# Install dependencies.
# Tested on Ubuntu 14.04. For other OSs, check out https://github.com/yagop/telegram-bot/wiki/Installation
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev
# Let's install the bot.
cd $HOME
git clone https://github.com/mehdi-hs/BlackPlus.git
cd BlackPlus
chmod +x launch.sh
./launch.sh install
./launch.sh # Enter a phone number & confirmation code.
To install everything in one command (useful for VPS deployment) on Debian-based distros, use:
sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev libconfig-dev libssl-dev lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev libevent-dev make unzip git redis-server g++ libjansson-dev libpython-dev expat libexpat1-dev autoconf -y --force-yes && git clone https://github.com/mehdi-hs/BlackPlus.git && cd BlackPlus && chmod +x launch.sh && ./launch.sh install && ./launch.sh
After you run the bot for first time, send it !id
. Get your ID and stop the bot.
Open ./data/config.lua and add your ID to the "sudo_users" section in the following format:
sudo_users = {
Your ID
Then restart the bot.
Create a realm using the !createrealm
Creating a LOG SuperGroup -For GBan Log
1. Create a group using the `!cgp` command.
2. Add two members or bots, then use `#Upchat` to convert to a SuperSroup.
3. Use the `#addlog` command and your ***LOG SuperGroup(s)*** will be set.
Note: you can set multiple Log SuperGroups