
Django blog app

Primary LanguagePython


This is a blog application based on Django which users can create,retrieve,update and delete their own posts.

Each user has a profile along with following fields : profile photo,phone number and current location.

In the fron-end users can see posts related to an specific user by clicking on auhor of post.

There is a contact us section which users can interact with admin(s)

In case of forgetting password , users can reset their password using gmail service(send an email to reset password).

I also developed a restful api for User,Post and Profile models using django rest framework(DRF) which authenticate requests based on Token.

Tokens :

username : nob

token : <3aab139afe725de5ebebdaafeac326568dd9e472>

username : reza

token : <7d23d9252c0e488bee848067f3efd9407799292f>

login to admin panel :

username : reza

password : <testing 321>