
A multi-implementation Wireworld simulator written in ActionScript 3

Primary LanguageActionScript


A multi-implementation Wireworld simulator written in ActionScript 3

This Flash app reads MCL and special TXT files, represents them onscreen as instances of the Wireworld cellular automaton, and runs them at amazing speed. (Amazing for a web app, anyway. No other CA sim on Earth currently compares to Golly set to hyperspeed.)

Written in ActionScript 3 and optionally in Haxe, this project has multiple classes that implement its core functionality with slightly different methods and languages. It's a useful testing ground for potential performance improvements on the Flash platform.

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##To Do

  • Test the AIR app
  • At some point I'll make the rounds and officially ask the folks whose files are in the examples directory for their permission to use their files. Most MCL files have some sort of accreditation entry anyway.
  • Then I'll build up the example gallery.
  • Try working with the hashlife ("tree") model again