
Example Starlite project using Postgresql, Redis and Docker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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This is an example Starlite project using SQLAlchemy + Alembic + postgresql, Redis, SAQ and Docker.


Starlite is a light and flexible ASGI API framework.

Starlite documentation 📚

Run the application


  • $ cp .env.example .env
  • $ docker-compose build
  • $ docker-compose run --rm app alembic upgrade head


$ docker-compose up --build

Async Worker Emails

To demonstrate usage of the asynchronous SAQ workers, when an Author is created we trigger a worker function that sends an email.

mailhog is included in docker-compose.yaml, and includes a GUI that can be accessed at http://localhost:8025.

Create an Author:

$ curl -w "\n" -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name": "James Patterson", "dob": "1974-3-22"}' http://localhost:8000/authors
{"id":"6f395bdf-3e77-481d-98b2-3471c2342654","created":"2022-10-09T23:18:10","updated":"2022-10-09T23:18:10","name":"James Patterson","dob":"1974-03-22"}

Then check the mailhog GUI to see the email that has been sent by the worker.


Install pre-commit hooks

  • pre-commit install



$ docker-compose run --rm app alembic revision --autogenerate -m "revision description"


$ docker-compose run --rm app alembic upgrade head


To run the tests, have tox installed and on your path. I recommend pipx which is a tool for installing python applications in isolated environments.

Install pipx

python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath

Install tox

pipx install tox

You'll now be able to run $ pipx run tox, but that's still a little verbose. I choose to add an alias for this, e.g.,:

# ~/.bashrc
# ...
alias tox="pipx run tox"

Close and reopen your shell, or $ source ~/.bashrc to get the alias working in your current shell.


tox -e lint
# run a specific hook
tox -e lint mypy

Unit tests

tox -e test

Integration tests

tox -e integration