Engineer | Researcher | Artist | Geek | ENFJ-T | Human | Bengali 🇧🇩
BRAC University | Bengali.AIDhaka, Bangladesh
Pinned Repositories
These are the applications of Fluid measurements, media queries, responsive navigation and all the other things that makes a website responsive and professional! These are the things I learned in the course "Advance styling with responsive design" on Coursera
These are the resources and assignment problems that I solved of the course "Applied Machine Learning in Python" while attending the course on "Coursera"
These are the codes I wrote while doing the course "Introduction to CSS3" on Coursera
This was the final assignment of the course "Introduction to HTML5" which I completed on coursera. This was a brief personal portfolio website which was built using only HTML and nothing else!
Developed an integrated system that controls the speed of a DC motor using an ATmega32 microcontroller and an L298 motor driver. Used the language ‘Embedded C’ to write the code in CodeVision AVR.
These are the machine learning, deep learning, data science or AI in general projects I did for various clients on contractual basis from time to time.
Using the Google Geocoding API with a Database and Visualizing data on Google Map In this project, we are using the Google geocoding API to clean up some user-entered geographic locations of university names and then placing the data on a Google Map.
Data analysis using the last 100+ years of Earthquake data covering South Asia and Bangladesh region
This paper was based on my undergrad thesis where we(Me & my thesismates) used MATLAB to do this research
This was a group project. Developed an integrated system consisting of an Amplifier circuit, One scale-shift register, One Comparator circuit, One D-Flip Flop, One BJT, One relay & One LM35 sensor that automatically detects the room temperature. The system gives feedback by switching off a bulb if the room temperature exceeds a certain temperature for the course Control Systems at BRAC University.
RezuwanHassan262's Repositories
This paper was based on my undergrad thesis where we(Me & my thesismates) used MATLAB to do this research
Data analysis using the last 100+ years of Earthquake data covering South Asia and Bangladesh region
This repository contains all the code and other relevant resources from one of my co-authored research papers
These are the resources and assignment problems that I solved of the course "Applied Machine Learning in Python" while attending the course on "Coursera"
These are the machine learning, deep learning, data science or AI in general projects I did for various clients on contractual basis from time to time.
An image classifier model that can classify 60 parrot species with 93% accuracy
These are the resources and codes that I wrote while attending the course "Reinforcement Learning From Human Feedback" by DeepLearning.AI on their platform
These are the resources and assignment problems that I solved of the course "Time Series and Prediction" from the specialization "DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate" while attending the course on coursera offered by DeepLearning.AI
A collection of tools, datasets and resources on Bangla computing
A character gram modeling approach towards Bengali Speech to Text with Regional Dialects
BNLP is a natural language processing toolkit for Bengali Language.
These are the resources and assignment problems that I solved of the course "ChatGPT Prompt Engineering for Developers" while attending the course on DeepLearning.AI offered by DeepLearning.AI & OpenAI
This repo contains all the project task resources and links from NLP course which is offered by BRAC University.
These are the resources and assignment problems that I solved of the courses from the specialization "Deep Learning Specialization" while attending the courses on coursera offered by DeepLearning.AI
Deep learning Bangla resources with TensorFlow
🚀 Generate GitHub profile README easily with the latest add-ons like visitors count, GitHub stats, etc using minimal UI.
INterspeech inference codes for regional speech dataset
Benchmarking Large Language Models
Implementing a ChatGPT-like LLM from scratch, step by step
These are the resources and assignment problems that I solved of the courses from the specialization "Machine Learning Specialization" while attending the courses on coursera offered by Stanford University & DeepLearning.AI
A sequential Keras model, incorporating GloVe word embeddings and a Bidirectional LSTM layer, is implemented to classify COVID-19 tweets into five sentiment categories.
These are the resources and assignment problems that I solved of the courses from the specialization "Natural Language Processing Specialization" while attending the courses on coursera offered by DeepLearning.AI
An image classifier model that can classify 60 parrot species with 93% accuracy
github wall description
Scraped a dynamic website as a practice using selenium and geckodriver
In this practice project, I did some survey on best CS scientists from all over the world & visualized them on Tableau
Played around with some classic ML algorithms like Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machines and Naive Bayes algorithms to classify toxic comments and then implemented XAI (LIME) to understand the model's decision making process.
Digitization of the Bengali Dictionary [Riddhi] is presented.