
Develop rfview.pl tool to manually launch family view processes

kalvari opened this issue · 0 comments

This will be a new perl script to enable curator to launch view processes following committing a new family to Rfam.

The script will:

  1. fetch the corresponding family UUID from the database
  2. submit a new LSF job running all family view plugins
  3. notify the user via email when the results are ready.

The corresponding family page URL should also be included in the email. For example, https://rfam.org/family/RF03116

possible options:

  • --rfam-acc: specifies the family accession
  • --plugin: specifies which plugin to launch (e.g. SecondaryStructure). Run all if not specified
  • --no-email: disables email notifications
  • --email [email@address]: allows the user to specify an alternative email address