
VS Code extension to add descriptions to the variables

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Add descriptions to your variables so that you can remember what they are for when the variable names remain incapable.


  1. Make sure you have VS Code & Typescript installed.

  2. Clone this repo

  3. Open command line inside the clone.

  4. Type code . which will open the VS Code in the current directory.

  5. Press F5 wich will open VS Code with the extension.

  6. Press Ctrl + Shift + P and type VComment to run the extension.

Supported Languages

The extension is tested with:

  • Javascript
  • Python


Description can be added by adding a comment above the variable you want to describe along with @ (at) character followed by the description itself.

// @Array of indices to specify in which order the vertices will be processed
var indices = [0, 1, 2, 0];

Then, when the variable is hovered, its description will be available on the pop-up.

Known Issues & Drawbacks

  1. Multiple declaration (i.e. var x, y) is not supported.

  2. Only functional scopes are considered while assigning comments to variables. Block scopes are not considered yet. That is, if two variables with the same name are defined in a function, their variable descriptions won't be as expected even if they are under different block scopes (i.e. if, while).