
Try to reproduce the transformer model described in the "Attention is all you need" paper using tensor2tensor

Primary LanguagePython

COMP3314 project - transformer model reproduction

We try to reproduce the transformer model in the "attention is all you need" paper using tensor2tensor. We train a de-en model using the original parameters and data in the original problem for 70k training steps (~15 hours) and the model now obtain a performance of ~23 BLEU (uncased) and ~22 BLEU (cased).


  1. Setup the python environment: install tensorflow
  2. Use t2t-datagen to generate the data and the information for the training.$DATA_DIR is where the tokenized input is stored and $TMP_DIR keeps the raw parallel corpus. Tensor2tensor will download file and tokenize the words automatically if there is nothing in the tmp_dir. translate_ende_wmt32k is a problem class in t2t that defines the data (german to english) and config used in the model.
    $ t2t-datagen \
    $ --data_dir=$DATA_DIR \
    $ --tmp_dir=$TMP_DIR \
    $ --problem=translate_ende_wmt32k
  3. Use t2t-trainer to train the model. Here we use the basic setting. $TRAIN_DIR is where the (intermediate) models and the hyperparameters are stored.
    $ t2t-trainer \ 
    $ --data_dir=$DATA_DIR \
    $ --problem=translate_ende_wmt32k \
    $ --hparams_set=transformer_base \
    $ --output_dir=$TRAIN_DIR
  4. Decode a file: The model is ready to be run after a sufficient training steps. t2t-decoder allows both file translation and interactive translation.
    $ t2t-decoder \ 
    $ --data_dir=$DATA_DIR \
    $ --problem=translate_ende_wmt32k \
    $ --hparams_set=transformer_base \
    $ --output_dir=$TRAIN_DIR \
    $ --decode_hparams="beta=4,alpha=0.6" \
    $ (If interactive) --decode_interactive
    $ (else) --decode_from_file=$FROM \
    $        --decode_to_file=$TO

External source: bilinguis.com The Stanford NLP Group


Some translations are listed below. We can observe the model fails to translate some words from the new input (Raupe) and there is difference between the original and the translatied tenses.

German English Translation
Sie stellte sich also auf die Fußspitzen und guckte über den Rand des Pilzes, und sogleich begegnete ihr Blick dem einer großen blauen Raupe, die mit kreuzweise gelegten Armen da saß und ruhig aus einer großen Huhka rauchte, ohne die geringste Notiz von ihr noch sonst irgend Etwas zu nehmen. She stretched herself up on tiptoe, and peeped over the edge of the mushroom, and her eyes immediately met those of a large caterpillar, that was sitting on the top with its arms folded, quietly smoking a long hookah, and taking not the smallest notice of her or of anything else. So she looked at the foothills and looked at the edge of the mushrooms, and so she met the view of a large blue Raupe, who sat with crossroads and smoked out of a large Huhka without taking the slightest note of her or anything else.
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Using own training set

Besides using the original data, we also define a problem that uses custom data. The problem definition is in translate_ende_custom.py (ref 1, 2). We use the commoncrawl dataset as the train set and the news-commentary-v13 dataset as the test set to perform en-de translation. The model reaches 100k train steps, however, it performs poorly due to insufficient dataset, it obtains ~4 bleu score in the newstest2014 dataset.


  • Deploy the model
  • Adjust hyperparamters

Reference/Further study

  1. Tensor2tensor define new problem
  2. Train a tensor2tensor model using own training set (chinese)
  3. Let's build attention is all you need
  4. Serving tensor2tensor model