
Google Forms Modified Clone

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Features Implemented

  • Management Committee Members can register as admin.
  • Board Members hardcode as superadmin have some extra privileges.
  • Toggle REGISTERATION_OPEN=0/1 to block/unblock /register (To avoid non-mancom/board using IECSE FORMS).
  • Login as admin/superadmin from /adminlogin to open dashboard.
  • Dashboard only for admin/superadmin,User needs to sign-in using google login to fill form.

Features Inside SuperAdmin/Admin DashBoard

  • Add/delete/edit form are basic functionality of forms system.
  • IECSE FORMS system has 9 Ques Types (Short text,Paragraph,MCQ,Checkbox,Dropdown,Linear Scale,Multiple Choice Grid,Checkbox grid,Email) which can be used while making form.Ques can be added/updated/deleted even adding ques between existing questions is possible to provide ease while making a form.A question can even be made required to be mandatorily filled by user.
  • A form contains Header,Description,Closing Time at which form can close automatically,also contains an option of manual close/open toggle button.
  • In case of admin once form is created by admin it can be just seen/edited/deleted by owner admin but IECSE FORMS also provide a feature to work in collabration with many admins by sharing ownership using permission list using which admin can be added or removed from ownership of a form.All Superadmins by default have view/edit/delete access to all existing forms.
  • Forms can be of three types:
    • Editable: Forms which can be edited by user after submission,requires google login.
    • Non Editable: Forms which can't be edited/opened once submitted,requires google login.
    • Anonymous: Forms which keeps the user identity anonymous by not asking for google login to fill and can be filled many number of times as there isnt any record of user
  • After making a form, link of a form can be copied using share button which can be sent to users ...../form/formid this redirects users to google login if form is non anonymous(i.e. Editable and Non Ediatble types).In anonymous forms login isn't needed.
  • IECSE FORMS also provides a feature to admin/superadmin to save exisiting form as template which can be used later.As the name suggests templates are non-editable and once created can just be used again or can be deleted.Admins cant delete superadmin templates.Superadmin can create a template from scratch as well as can edit/delete any template exisitng.
  • User responses, responses count can be viewed in response tab inside form.
  • User responses can even be downloaded as .csv file.
  • Users have an option to email a copy of response(link of response will be sent) for future reference.
  • Login to dashboard follows all standard checks and email verification to verify user,along with an option to reset password.
  • That's it want more? contact Dev Team :)

Installations and setup

  • Install MongoDB, Node and npm.
  • To install any package for the api or client, run npm i <package-name> and also npm i -D @types<package-name>. The later with save the types of the package as a dev-dependency, which will be handy for typescript.
  • In MongoDB, create a new database called forms, and create a new user using db.createUser({...}).
  • Copy the .example.env file and rename it to .env, and enter the user details that you just created.
  • Do not edit or remove the .example.env file
  • Before you start, run npm install on both the api and client folders, to install all the dependencies already setup in package.json.
  • Install typescript globally - npm install typescript -g
  • To run the project, run npm start in both the client and the api folders.

Structure of the Project

  • The client structure is a blank slate, apart from proxy testing.
  • The structure of the api is as follows:
    /api/src            //Root folder for your code
                   /index.ts  //All relevant routes to be stored in this folder, with the index.ts exporting them 
            /models     //Mongoose schemas to be stored here. 
            /config     //Contains the mongoose config file, any other external configs should be stored in this folder
            /index.ts   //The entry point for the project

Required Feature/Implementation List

Creating Form

  • Add questions
    • Type-in (Paragraph, short, number, email, etc.)
    • Radio Buttons, MCQ
    • MCQ Grid
    • Ranking/Preferential Voting w/ max limit
    • Column Grids
    • Upload file/image
    • Form Schemas (tentative)
graph TD;
FormSchema -> FormID, FormName, TimeStamp
QuestionSchema -> FormID, QuestionID, QuestionType, QuestionBody
ResponseSchmea -> FormID, QuestionID, ReponseBody

Viewing Responses

  • Admin level access to board members
  • Download responses as .csv
  • Sort responses
  • Filter responses
  • RegEx on text fields


  • Auto save form state for a limited amount of time - cookies/session stores
  • Download response as a user
  • Dynamic form themeing (background->dark/light)