
Assistance with the world of DiscordApp

If you are curious about the guides, check out our server and site .

If you are looking for a pastrami bagel... you're out of luck, but we have guides.

Guides for Discord


If you'd like to contribute to the guides, our guides are currently stored in the content directory. Just fork, make your changes, commit them to your branch, and then make a pull request. Simple.

Please make sure the follow the same formatting, or talk to Jet0038 on the support server if you want a guide added.


What are our goals exactly...? Well of course we want to grow and spread, but our main goal is to provide help for discord users and support other servers and create a community/network between the servers.

We want to be a hub of discord activity that everyone enjoys, and where people can find ideas and help.

We want to be an all around nice place to be.