

Primary LanguagePerl

TwiXt - Templated Widgets for Xt

TwiXt is intended to make it easier to write widgets for X, using the X Toolkit Intrinsics. Doing so by hand is not really difficult, but it is a bit tedious. The Xt widgets are based on the idea of classes with single inheritance. On the other hand, the implementation language C is not object-oriented, so there is lots of work for the library to do and lots of details for the widget implementer to write.

If you specify a widget (class) named FooThing, TwiXt will generate for you the public header file FooThing.h, the private header file FooThingP.h, and the top part of FooThing.c, with the definitions of the resource records, the class record and functions that have pointers to them.

TwiXt uses all naming conventions that the Xt and Xaw widgets as far as possible. It turns out that in some cases those widgets themselves deviate from their own conventions. In that case, TwiXt attempts to have a mechanism to specify that kind of exception to the rules.

Because C does not have a class system built-in, this is instead implemented in the Intrinsics library. This makes use of a user-specified collection of fields (or sometimes called members) that make up the class. Those fields are basically common for all instances of the widget.

Then there are the fields that exist once for each widget instance. Therefore the outline of a widget description generally looks like this:

widget Name : BaseClass {
    class {
        # fields ...
    instance {
        # fields ...

For more details on this, please see the X Toolkit Intrinsics documentation. TwiXt aims to make use of Xt easier, but fully explaining it is beyond its scope.

See also some Free O'Reilly books and client development documentation on the X.org website.

Class fields

The class fields are always private, i.e. are only under control of the widget's code (and the Intrinsics library of course), and not accessible to the user's code. Instance fields on the other hand, can potentially be accessed by the user. This is the case for the fields that correspond to a Resource. In addition to those, there can of course also be private fields.

    class {
        WidgetClass superclass = (WidgetClass)&unnamedObjClassRec; sub= (WidgetClass)&%lsClassRec; 
                                                          /* pointer to superclass ClassRec   */
        String      class_name = "%c";                    /* widget resource class name       */
        Cardinal    widget_size = sizeof(%cRec);          /* size in bytes of widget record   */
        XtProc      class_initialize = %cClassInitialize; /* class initialization proc        */
        # ...

Class field descriptions look very much like normal C declarations. There are some general conventions:

  • C types are spelled in CamelCase (starting with an uppercase letter).
  • field names are spelled in lower_case (with underscores).

Where needed, these forms can seamlessly be converted into each other. This happens for instance when a function name is generated from a field name.

A field description can optionally include initalization values in two variants: one for class records in the class implementation itself, (started with =) and one proposed to implementations of subclasses (start with sub=). The subclass can override the proposal if it wants.

If no class expression is given, it usually defaults to 0. If no subclass expression is given, it defaults to the class expression.

TwiXt doesn't really analyze the structure of your expressions (the C compiler will complain later if you write nonsense), but there is some pattern expansion to fill in class names.

  • %c will be replaced by the ClassName of the class where it is used.
  • %s will be replaced by the ClassName of the superclass.
  • %lc and %ls will be that name, with a lowercase initial
  • %_c and %_s will be that name, in lower_cased form.

Using these expansions can help you to propose appropriate function names in subclasses that are unique and descriptive.

Following the class field, you can put a C-style comment. It will be copied into the generated source. These comments are only possible in designated locations. TwiXt-style comments are allowed anywhere. They start with a hash symbol # and continue to the end of the line.

Function pointers

For class fields that represent a C function pointer (i.e. their type name ends in Proc, Func, Handler or Converter, or a simplistic pattern matching on the declaration succeeds), the following code fragments are generated.

For use in subclasses, a #define XtInheritField will be produced. Also, if the value which is used in the C initializer looks like a function name (is in proper CamelCase), a function declaration and definition will be generated. (Exception: if the initialisation value contains the word Inherit then that name will be used for the #define instead. In that case also there will be no function declaration and body for this name.)

The signature of the functions is based on a known list of type names (derived from the header files <X11/IntrinsicP.h> and <X11/Intrinsic.h>) and some pattern matching for other cases. There is no real parser of C declarations or expressions, so this process can be fooled.

The function body can be given in a block code "FunctionName" {{{ ... }}}. Otherwise it wil be empty.

Class field overrides

When a subclass is created, the superclass' fields are included in the subclass. As mentioned, by default they get the value as proposed by its own class. However you can override that with an override block before your own class block (because that is the order in which the full class record is generated):

widget SubClass : BaseClass {
    override BaseClass {
        # We would like a different value for our version of the
        # class field BaseClass.classfield_int.
        classfield_int = 99;
    class {
        # ...

It is checked that BaseClass is indeed a superclass of the current widget, an that classfield_int is one of its class fields. The same class name expansions are available for the value here too.

Instance fields

As mentioned, instance fields can potentially be accessed by the user. This is the case for the fields that correspond to a Resource. In addition to those, there can of course also be private fields. Here are some examples of both cases:

widget Root {
    instance {
        private: Widget         self;               /* pointer to widget itself */
        public:  Pixel(BorderColor) border_color
                  =R(String) "XtDefaultForeground"; /* window border pixel      */

Private fields are the simplest. They are much like a C field declaration. There is not even an initial value like with class fields, because there is no static instance defined. The initialize function pointer (inherited from the Core widget) is meant to set fields in a new instance to their initial values.

Public fields are a bit more involved, since they basically are a combination of an instance field and a resource description. The latter conststs of 7 parts but fortunately you can usually leave some of them out.

Resources consist of the following parts:

  • resource_name: The name to use with XtSetValues() and XtGetValues() to access the resource (or with XtCreateWidget() or in a resource file). This is in principle an arbitrary string, but conventionally it is in camelCase (lower case initial). This name is actually generated from the instance field name, which is in lower_case_style. A #define is generated with the same name: XtNresourceName. It is usual to use the define instead of the literal string. This prevents typos in the name.

    In the example, this is border_color.

  • resource_class: Not to be confused with "class" as in the meaning of "type", but a name to group multiple related resources together. The aim is that the user can easily set all Background-related colours to the same value in a resource file. Resource classes are spelled in CamelCase (upper case initial). A #define is generated with the same name: XtNClassName.

    In the example, this is BorderColor.

  • resource_type: This is the name of the type which represents the value of the resource. Xt type converters know of these names to convert for instance strings into the correct values. A #define is generated with the same name: XtRResourceType.

    In the example, this is Pixel.

  • resource_size: This is the size of objects of type resource_type. Normally this is derived from the resource_type field. If you want to make an exception, use : ctypename after the resource_name. This type is then also used in generating the instance field.

  • resource_offset: This describes where in the instance record the resource is located. It is pretty much always derived automatically from the instance field (which in turn is derived from resource_name).
    In the rare cases that you have a resource which does not have a one-to-one correspondence with an instance field, use this construction as seen in the CoreWidget:

      private:  XtTMRec       tm;                 /* translation management  */
      resource: TranslationTable(Translations) translations @tm.translations
                       =R(TranslationTable) NULL; /* translation management  */

    Here, the instance contains a XtTMRec structure, and the resource refers to one if its internal fields. By using the resource keyword instead of public, you indicate that no field is generated to go with the resource. Use an appropriate other field instead. It also allows the use of the @ which is not allowed for public. The field is usually in the widget's own instance part record. If you want to specify the full field name in the instance record, prefix the it with :.

  • default_type: Resources can be initialized by the resource system automatically. This field specifies the type of default_addr.

    In the example, this is String (transformed into XtRString).

    There is special syntax for the special types

    • XtRImmediate (which copies the value without converting it): just use a simple = sign
    • XtRCallProc (which calls a function of signature XtResourceDefaultProc): use = FunctionName().
  • default_addr: This should point to an appropriate value of the type named by default_type. When the Intrinsics library initializes the field, it will normally use a converter from the default_type to the resource_type.

    In the example, this is "XtDefaultForeground".

Summarizing, a resource description that uses no defaults would look like

resource: ResourceType(ResourceClass) resource_name :resource_size_type @resource_offset
                 =R(DefaultType) default_addr;

For more details, see chapter 9 "Resource Management" of the Intrinsics document.

Generating function declarations or definitions for instance fields which point to such isn't very useful, so it isn't done. This is because in class fields, they typically point to a fixed function, but if you have them in instances, that would not be useful. You'd have multiple alternative functions to point to. And that is getting out of TwiXt's scope (and ability to invent syntax for it).


TwiXt uses Perl and the non-included module Parser::MGC.