The AWS exploitation framework, designed for testing the security of Amazon Web Services environments.
- 0w3
- 0x4D31Virgo Cluster
- 0xdabbad00@SummitRoute
- 0xdevaliasOpen to opportunities
- alt3kxFrance 🇪🇺 🏴☠️
- artis3n@digitalocean
- BenFriedland-Rhino
- benjamincaudill
- bnugentGoFundMe
- burnnotice
- c0010
- copumpkinWashington
- denisse-dev@ArchLinux @wikimedia
- eab12345
- gordon-scalesecScalable Security
- houeyTexas
- jenncathcart
- JonZeolla@SeisoLLC
- M1keStuRents.com
- M1suzu
- mwarkentin@getsentry
- nbosa
- pacohopeAWS
- pulsaratmclocalhost
- R3zk0nMelbourne
- Raul1718Web Security Engineer
- rmusser01Someplace
- shdobxr
- shellsharks
- sourced-praveenc@sourced
- SpenGietzSeattle, WA
- tdr130
- tjsquishface
- ttttmrBytedance
- vanillagranilla
- yogisec