
Coding extensions library: New basic datatypes, static helper methods and extensions on Unity datatypes

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

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License: Apache--2.0 PRs Welcome openupm

Coding extensions library: New basic datatypes, static helper methods and extensions on Unity datatypes


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openupm install com.rhinox.open.lightspeed

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Lightspeed offers shortcuts and extensions for coding in C# for Unity, divided into two main parts: Core and Unity. The Core section contains C# functions that work independently of Unity, while the Unity section is tailored for Unity-specific tasks. These tools are designed to make coding faster and more intuitive and work as the basis of our other core packages: GuiUtils and Utilities.

Please explore the code for a proper overview but here's a quick sample:


  • A variety of extensions for
    • collections Except, GetOrDefault, AddUnique, DistinctBy, IsNullOrEmpty, ...
    • Array/List TakeSegment, SortStable, SortBy, ...
    • ValueTypes float.LossyEquals, float.Map, Enum.IsSingleFlag, ...
    • string ContainsOneOf, ReplaceFirst, GetCommonPrefix, SplitCamelCase, ...
    • Type InheritsFrom, HasInterfaceType, ImplementsOpenGenericClass, ...
  • FileHelper ClearDirectoryContentsIfExists, GetRelativePath, MoveFolder, CreateInstance, ...
  • Utility, a static class with a bunch of useful methods like:
    • ReadCsv parses csv from string
    • ResizeArrayGeneric Resize unknown array type
    • JoinArrays & AddToArray, ...
  • ReflectionUtility, a static class with a bunch of useful methods like:
    • GetAllFields\Properties\Events which goes down the Type hierarchy to fetch everything
    • FindTypes with a predicate
    • GetTypesInheritingFrom
    • FindTypeExtensively uses the type name and finds it across assemblies and namespaces if it has changed.
      • You can mark these changes with attributes like RefactoringOldNamespace
    • GetMemberValue which fetches a property/field/etc value by string
    • InvokeMethod invokes a method by string
  • A variety of useful collection types like:
    • LazyTree which sorts things into a tree like structure that resolves as you need it.
    • PriorityQueue where you can associate items with a priority and it auto sorts when needed
  • And many more nice things


  • Extension of the FileHelper class which handles paths nicely between android, windows, mac, etc
    • i.e. it will use WebRequests to fetch files on android (which is required)
  • A variety of extensions for
    • Bounds a suite of useful bounds extensions such as GameObject.GetObjectBounds, GameObject.CenterBoundsOnPosition, etc.
    • IsWithinFrustum for Renderer/Vector3/mesh
    • GameObject AddComponentWithInit, GetAllChildren, TryGetComponentsInParent, ...
    • Component GetOrAddComponent, CopyDataFrom, AlignWith, AlignParentTo, ...
    • GetMatrixRelativeTo and other more readable matrix math functions
    • Quaternion LossyEquals, AngleTo, Difference, ApplyDifference
    • Texture MakeSquare, Pad, InsetBorder, ...
    • GetClosestTo / GetFurthestFrom from a list of components / positions
    • Rect AlignLeft, AlignCenter, and variety of other rect manipulation methods
    • Vector With(x: 5), DivideBy, DistanceTo, RotateAround, Clamp, IsColinear, ...
  • Static Utility class with a bunch of useful methods like:
    • FindAssets gets assets from AssetDatabase without the hassle
    • ProjectOnLine and various other line tools to find intersections
    • IsPointInPolygon is point within the given 2D points
    • GetKey & variants which works for both the new and old input system
    • WrapAngle, GetClosestAngle, ...
    • Destroy which switches function depending on editor (immediate), etc
    • FindSceneObjectsOfTypeAll get all loaded scene objects of some type
    • GetColorTexture Gets you a 1 pixel size texture with a certain color
    • CopyTextureCPU copies a texture into CPU memory
  • Lots of tiny classes like:
    • TimeDelay / TickDelay just call Tick on it and it will return true every X seconds/ticks
      • Saves you from having to keep track of multiple variables and updating them
    • TransformState simple serializable state of a transform, just reapply it with Restore / RestoreRelative
    • SceneReferenceData keeps track of a scene asset that will still work at runtime
    • Axis simple enum describing X,Y,Z & s variety of methods to manipulate Vectors with it. i.e. Vector3.one.With(3, Axis.Z)
  • Static SeparatingAxesTheorem class with an implementation of this algorithm.
  • Some addressable usage enhancements
  • And many more nice things

Optional dependencies

  • com.unity.mathematics (Native extensions)
  • com.unity.textmeshpro (TMP Extensions)
  • com.unity.addressables (Addressable Extensions)

Contribution guidelines

  • This library contains lightweight, efficient and generic helpers.
  • It contains a few Editor utilities but most of that kind of utilities can be found in GuiUtils.
  • It is intended to not execute anything, only provide helper functions / data objects.
    • So no editor windows
    • No hooks into the editor
    • Not even inheriting from monobehaviour

See the Utilities package if you are interested in contributing something along those lines.

Show your support

  • Feel free to make an issue if you find any problems
  • Feel free to make a pull request if you wish to contribute
  • Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

📝 License

This project is Apache--2.0 licensed.

Parts of the code come from external authors or are being reused from other open source projects:

  • Deform - (c) Keenan Woodall (MIT License)
  • SceneReference - (c) JohannesMP 2017/(c) S. Tarık Çetin 2019 (MIT License)