
Update the Prevalence filter input to have type = number

jwildfire opened this issue · 6 comments

Update the Prevalence filter input to have type = number

Test notes

Confirm that you can no longer type characters in the prevalence input, and that the up and down buttons work as expected.

@jwildfire I'm able to type both letters and numbers in that field. Letters just display a red box and don't change the results. Numbers do change the results.

I think that is fine, @danedexF5. Guessing that different browsers are handling the input slightly differently.

@samussiah is making an adjustment to the width of the field because right now numbers that are two digits or more are cut off by the up/down arrows in the field in Firefox. Addressed in #130

Captured in #130 , fixed in the latest commit to v3.3.0-dev: 858c2cc

Confirmed that the wider field allows the full two digit number to display now, Letters are still not accepted, so the original functionality remained intact.