
Command Line Tic Tac Toe Game

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In this project, you will create a command-line Tic-Tac-Toe game. To do this, you will fill out two classes, cursor.js and ttt.js. cursor.js contains logic for navigating around the board while ttt.js contains the game logic.

To render the game, you have been given a Screen API that handles command-line rendering. You do not need to understand how the code in Screen works but you will need to make use of the commands provided. You may be tempted to spend a large amount of time digging through the API code under the reasoning that you want to understand all of the project to best be able to add to it. There are times where it is necessary to do this, but on most projects, there simply isn't time or need. Think of this as an opportunity to practice your time management skills. Consider the API as a black box. Review the documentation thoroughly to make sure that you understand the inputs and outputs, but don't peek inside unless you have extra time after completing the project.

The API is documented below. Try out the commands to see how they work.

To process keypresses, you will need to load Command objects into the Screen API using Screen.addCommand. This function takes a key which triggers the command, a string description, and an action callback which is executed when key is pressed.

The game should alternate turns between O and X until one player wins or the game ends in a tie.

Running the game

  1. Type npm install to install all packages
  2. Run node game.js to run the game
  3. Run mocha to run tests


  1. Fill out movement logic in class/cursor.js until mocha test/cursor-spec.js passes all tests
  2. Fill out game logic in class/ttt.js until mocha test/ttt-spec.js passes all tests
  3. Create commands for cursor movement in ttt.js that call cursor.up, cursor.down, cursor.left, and cursor.right
  4. Use setBackgroundColor and resetBackgroundColor in cursor.js to highlight the cursor's current position on the grid
  5. Create a command in ttt.js that places a move at the cursor's position
  6. Fill out the game state in ttt.js that checks for wins after each move

Screen API

Screen is a static class with the following methods. You do not need to modify this class at all. The functionality you will need is documented below.


  • Screen.initialize(numRows, numCols) will initialize a grid with the given dimensions.


  • Screen.setGridlines(gridLines) will insert lines between each grid element is gridLines is true, or hide them if gridLines is false.


  • Screen.addCommand(key, description, action) will add a command that calls the action callback anytime key is typed on the keyboard. description will be displayed in the help message.
  • Screen.printCommands() will show a list of all loaded commands and their descriptions.

Updating the grid

  • Screen.setGrid(row, col, char) sets the character at row and col to the given char.
  • Screen.setTextColor(row, col, color) sets the text color at row and col to the given color.
  • Screen.setBackgroundColor(row, col, color) sets the background color at row and col to the given color.

Valid colors are:

  • black
  • red
  • green
  • yellow
  • blue
  • cyan
  • white
  • magenta


  • Screen.setQuitMessage(quitMessage) sets a message to be printed when the user quits.
  • Screen.quit(showMessage=true) quits the game and prints the message if showMessage is true.


  • Screen.render() will update the display. This must be called anytime the grid or messages change.

Displaying a message

  • Screen.setMessage(msg) takes in a string to be printed below the grid each time it is rendered.