Timsheets on the Serverless stack
You will need NPM installed
Serverless should be installed globally via NPM (currently 1.0.0. rc) - see ~\scripts\1_InitialiseProject.bat
(all cli commands are assumed to be executed from project root)
To install the dependencies run:
>> npm install
AWS expects a credentials file under your user profile eg (C:\Users\rhysc.aws\credentials) with
aws_access_key_id={your access key}
aws_secret_access_key={your secret}
You will need a AWS account. You may need to provide a credit card. NB Given my (rhysc) usage is so low, I am yet to pay for anything. In the .vscode/launch.json i have set an env var to allow using a non default credential store in the credentials file : "AWS_PROFILE":"serverless-rhystest_dev"
To deploy (using the credentials above):
>> serverless deploy
On completion of deployment you will see a post endpoint that you can hit with a sample payload, eg:
>>curl -X POST https://randomprefix.execute-api.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/dev/timesheet --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d @samples/sampleCreatePayload.json
be sure to replace the url with what was provided. You should receive a response with a success message and a timesheet id
Mocha is used as the test framework, seems to be most popular, so lets roll with that.
Favouring using NPM as the build tool unitll we really need more. See: https://www.keithcirkel.co.uk/how-to-use-npm-as-a-build-tool/
Using LambCI for build automation : https://github.com/lambci/lambci
Github tken is under RHYSC account "LambCi-Matcha-ServerlessTimesheets"
Slack channel broadcasts the build notiifcations
- Org : matcha-io
- channel : lambci-build
I blindly created this in the Nth Virgina region (us-east-1), shouldnt be a big drama, unless you are browsing the console for - Stack LambCi-Matcha-ServerlessTimesheets
- Stack ID: arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:032574790532:stack/LambCi-Matcha-ServerlessTimesheets/71e3e1d0-7d7e-11e6-9df7-5044763dbb7b*
Run Tests
>>npm test
You can configure a subscriber to the SNS message, to test just mnaully create a lambda trigeer by the sns topic we have created and add the following code to see events that you have subscribed to:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
console.log("In the test Subscriber Handler. Persisted business events are:");
let json_records = event.Records.map((x) => JSON.parse(x.Sns.Message));
for(let js_rec of json_records){
callback(null, 'Hello from Lambda');