
3D Printed Pokédex smartphone case


3D Printed Pokédex smartphone case featured on the SparkFun Blog:


##Update 7/14/2016

Hey all, I've had requests for iPhone6S compatible cases. I'm testing a model right now! I've also had requests for more filetypes that might be compatible with more modeling software, I'll get as many up as I can.

Be warned! I've just discovered that some of these files are mirrored and I haven't had a chance to fix them.

Some people have asked if they can buy one from me, I'm currently exploring the options and testing models for several popular phones but they take some time to print so it will be a few days before I'm happy with them. In the event that I work out a way to sell finished Pokédex cases, I'll put the link here.

Thanks for your patience, new models are coming tomorrow!


These files are released under Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
