
This site is to visualize the sorting algorithms.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Sorting Algorithm Visualization

This project is a web application that visualizes various sorting algorithms. It provides a visual representation of how different sorting algorithms work by animating the sorting process step by step.


AlgoViz Home Bubble Sort

Algorithms Implemented

  • Bubble Sort
  • Selection Sort
  • Insertion Sort
  • Merge Sort
  • Quick Sort

How to Use

  1. Select an algorithm from home cards.
  2. Click on the Start Sorting button to start the sort function.
  3. Observe how the bars representing the array elements are rearranged step by step to achieve a sorted order.
  4. You can restart the process by clicking on the Reset button.


  1. Clone or download the project repository.
  2. Install the required dependencies using npm install or yarn install.
  3. Start the development server using npm run dev or yarn run dev.
  4. Open your browser and navigate to the specified local server address.

Todo Features

  • Generate array button to randomly generate array. The length of the array would be determined by browser window size.
  • Ability to pause and resume the sorting function.
  • Create a logo for this project.
  • Showing the time taken by the sorting function
  • Option for comparing two algorithms in real time and determining the winner.